View Full Version : Long shot: neuros or pharmacists?

04-24-2013, 12:11 AM
Put a call into my neurologist but apparently he doesn't have an after hours service. I'm having trouble keeping down my seizure meds. I'm wondering how long after I take them does it take for them to be effective. Like, if I don't throw up for an hour after is that long enough to get the whole dose? I take 1500mg of keppra twice a day. I asked my OB, but she had no idea. Anyone know?

04-24-2013, 12:12 AM
No idea. Is your pharmacy open? Does your insurance have a nurse advice line?


04-24-2013, 12:15 AM
No idea. Is your pharmacy open? Does your insurance have a nurse advice line?


I got a CYA answer from the home health nurse to go to the ER. Same with the pharmacy. I wish I would have thought to call during business hours for the neuro, but I don't take my
Meds until midnight.

04-24-2013, 12:16 AM
I don't know; I'm sorry. I'm surprised the neuro doesn't have a call service.

I was able to get helpful advice from a 24 hour pharmacy once.

I hope you feel better soon.

04-24-2013, 12:21 AM
PM'ing you, OP.

04-24-2013, 12:21 PM
Just saw this but just wanted to say that Keppra is very very quickly absorbed. Peak plasma concentrations occurs within an hour. Typically if you are able to keep it down more than 15 minutes, the recommendation is to not redose. (this is assuming you are one the plain Keppra and not the long-acting Keprra XR). So if you can keep it down for an hour, yes, you absorbed the whole dose.

You can take it with or without food so play around with that to see if eating or not eating makes the nausea better. You may find that really bland, carbohyrates may help with the nausea - think crackers or bread. Sorry it's making you feel bad.

04-24-2013, 12:25 PM
I am not sure either but it sounds like MaiseyDog had a good answer to me!
I hope you did not have any problems.