View Full Version : Model magic stained wood table- any ideas?

05-27-2013, 09:16 AM
My MIL brought colored crayola model magic over yesterday for the kids when they were babysitting. It was a nice project and lots of fun for them, but....they used it directly on our PBK wood table and LON white play kitchen and it stained the wood of both! (we usually use craft trays for playdoh/clay, but apparently MIL told the kids they didn't need to for this- grrr!)

I am really sad about it bc they sit in our kitchen and we have kept them in really good shape for 4 years! Everything has always wiped right off them easily.

Any ideas what I could try to get it off that wouldn't take the finish off too?

Hopefully, at least this can be a PSA and save someone else's wood from the colored model magic!

05-27-2013, 09:36 AM
Have you tried a magic eraser? No btdt but those things can do things I never imagined they could.

Also, you might call the company and ask them for recommendations.

Blue Hydrangea
05-27-2013, 09:40 AM
First I would try scrubbing with dish soap, then if that didn't work, I'd try goo gone, and if either of those didn't work, I'd use a magic eraser.

The magic eraser works like a very fine sandpaper, so while it will probably get rid of the stain, it might leave a slightly duller area in the finish than the rest of the table. While that's not ideal, it's probably better than colored stains.

05-27-2013, 09:41 AM
I think calling the company is an excellent idea.


05-27-2013, 11:30 AM
Test rubbing alcohol on the finish of the tables first. If it doesn't make them feel sticky (removing varnish), try it on the stain. Clean it off quickly with soap and water, then dry. On the white, you could try lemon juice and baking soda scrub, but test it on the wood first.

05-28-2013, 05:01 PM
Have you tried a magic eraser?

My sister got Sharpie permanent magic marker off her oak table using a Magic Eraser. It's worth a shot!