View Full Version : If you have had multiple pregnancies, when did you start having BH?

07-06-2013, 01:06 AM
I'm pretty sure I've started having braxton-hicks contractions. I do not remember when it started with my other two kids. I'm 23ish weeks. I guess it could be something else, but it definitely feels like ctx. I do have a history of PTL, but NEVER this early. Wondering if it just happens earlier and earlier with subsequent pregnancies..TIA!

07-06-2013, 02:35 AM
2 pregnancies. Lots of braxton hicks with both. 1st pregnancy started around 20 weeks I think, but were never regular. I gave birth to DS1 at 38 weeks 3 days. 2nd pregnancy started around 16 weeks. Started having regular non stop contractions at 26 weeks but they weren't changing my cervix. Gave birth to DS2 at 38 weeks 6 days.

07-06-2013, 07:02 AM
BH did happen earlier with each pregnancy. This last pregnancy I think they started at 18 weeks and got a little bit too frequent for my comfort at 23-25. I have a bad history with PTL so I went in automatically whenever I had 6 in an hour. I would drink lots of water and try to rest and more often than not they would go away, but I was eventually put on procardia to calm them down. Had baby just before 40 weeks.

07-06-2013, 08:19 AM
I have a ton of Braxton hicks starting well before 20 weeks each time, it definitely got worse each time though some of that was undoubtedly more running around and toddler wrangling related. Kids were 39w scheduled c for breech and 40w4 and 40w5d, spontaneous labor VBACs and I definitely wasn't walking around 4 cm for weeks either. Loading up on magnesium really helped keep them down to a more reasonable amount.

07-06-2013, 07:02 PM
They started at around 19 weeks with this pregnancy. I had never had them this early but my Ob wasn't concerned (I don't have a history of preterm labor). She said they start earlier with each pregnancy. They were worst between 20-30 weeks and haven't been too bad since (I am almost 38 weeks).

07-06-2013, 08:36 PM
I think this (third) time it was around 20 weeks? Definitely earlier than the last two times. I don't even remember feeling them with DD1 until I was maybe 35 weeks or so, DD2 was somewhat earlier than that, but nowhere near as early as 20 weeks. My midwife was (and still is) unconcerned, because they're very sporadic. (Unless I'm trying to vacuum the stairs, at which point they happen right on top of each other, so I don't do that anymore.)

Sarah :)

07-06-2013, 09:15 PM
With DD1, I didn't notice any BH until kinda late- maybe 33-35 weeks? This time around, I've started noticing them around 31-32 weeks, and then getting a little more frequent the last couple of weeks. My OB doesn't like it (previous c/s, baby is breech again so will be a repeat c/s), but she hasn't checked me yet and hasn't threatened to put me on procardia or anything yet - if anything, I think she wants me to cut back on work or go on bedrest because it's definitely associated with working hard, not staying hydrated, etc.