View Full Version : Your DC's internet access

07-07-2013, 12:47 AM
How do you ensure that your DC's internet access is age appropriate?

The children are getting very Internet savvy, but there are many things out there that should be off limits.


07-07-2013, 02:27 AM
In our home, the laptop is kept on huge kitchen table if 9yo DD wants to use it. She can get to a few sites (her school's jump page, for example), but she's so oblivious, "naughty" type google searches and such aren't on her radar at all. All the same, though, the computer screen is visible to adults whenever she is on it. Shortly, we will give her an ID on the computer, and have that with filters, as I know she wants to spend more time online.

07-07-2013, 07:02 AM
we have login names for each and each has a set of websites they are allowed to go to (PBSkids, nat geo, nick etc).

07-07-2013, 09:05 AM
Ours have home pages that send them to the sites they most enjoy. And, the computer is in the playroom, so no way to hide what is being done. I often wonder how kids with ipads or ipods are monitored. We don't have any of those, so I'm not sure what's available. So far, DS1 has no interest in googling random things.