View Full Version : Potty Training Regression - 4 year old - advice please

07-07-2013, 04:16 PM
My 4 year old DS, who has been fully potty trained for 10 months, is suddenly having some issues. He would rather poop in his underwear than even *try* to get to the potty. I never yelled at him, but was pretty stern and told him that I was angry, that big boys poop in the potty, etc. He helped me clean up the mess and totally redressed himself. This seemed to help for a while, but then the problem began again. I threatened to take away his underwear and put him pull-ups, which seemed to upset him, and I thought he would start to go in the potty again. After only minor improvement, I actually did put him back in the pull-ups a few days ago. This has helped my laundry problem, but his potty issues continue. I just change him matter-of-factly and explain that poop goes in the potty. He usually then says that he will go in the potty the next time.

I took him to Target today, where he selected about 15 or so Hot Wheels cars (his latest fascination), and I told him that I would give him one every time he pooped on the potty. Not really sure if this is the best method, but I'm running out of ideas.

I do not know of any recent disruption to his schedule (new baby, school change, etc.), and don't have any idea why he is suddenly regressing like this. When I ask him why, he says that he doesn't know.

Has anyone BTDT? Any further ideas on what I can do to help re-train? I am considering an appointment with his pedi if things do not improve. As always, thanks for your input and advice!

07-07-2013, 04:59 PM
My guess is he doesn't want to stop playing so he'll hold it in. Then the urge goes away for awhile until he has to go again. But then this time if he does try to poop on the potty it hurts because its harder and dryer. Each time they hold it in it gets harder and less moist and makes pooping that much more uncomfortable. I have had this happen to different extents with each of my boys and saw my nephew deal with it.

What worked for us and was recommended by our doctor was first trying to notice if there is a particular time of the day the child goes poop then putting the child on the potty at that same time every day. You may want to give them some extra apple juice or whatever seems to work as a laxative for that child about 20 minutes beforehand. Then set them on the potty. Tell them if they go poop while they are there, there is a prize. If not, no biggie. Not all people poop every day. Keep it up every day and see if he develops a pattern of going poop then. At some point you won't have to initiate it- he'll just go on his own. That worked well with DS2.

If that doesn't work, come back and post. Several of the moms here (me included) have dealt with MUCH worse potty training poop issues. Unfortunately, we are a wealth of knowledge.

07-07-2013, 05:16 PM
Ugh, I have BTDT, and I feel your pain!

We have poop issues in our house! Right now, DS hasn't had an accident in a long time, but he's been withholding again, and that leads to accidents for us.

When the string of accidents happened last time, we made DS sit every afternoon and evening. He had to sit and try to poop. Sometimes this would work. Sometimes he would sit, then go outside to play and have an accident 5 minutes later.

A plain old sticker chart worked for us. DS has never responded to bribes well, though I have nothing against them if they work! We have big, glittery, foam, star stickers. I print out a blank calendar, and he gets a star for every day he doesn't have an accident. This combined with the reminded sitting works. We still make him sit every night before bed, and when we see that he's withholding we start loading him up with extra fruit (which he eats a bunch of anyway), and if he goes more than two to three days without pooping, we give a dose of Miralax.

07-07-2013, 10:36 PM
Thank you for the suggestions. While I'm sorry you both have had similar experiences, I'm glad to hear that my kid is not the only one doing this kind of thing. I will see if the car bribing works first -- although he did have an accident today, he seems interested in the concept. I will start making mental notes of when he does go, and if the car incentive does not work, I will try the forced sitting at specific times. If anyone has additional suggestions, please let me know!! Thanks again!!