View Full Version : The five words you hate hearing from your 4 year old...

07-11-2013, 06:45 AM
...at 5:55 am...

"Mommy, I had a accident."

Wait. What? Don't you wear a pull-up to bed?

No, apparently not, because helpfully you got yourself ready for bed all by yourself during the power outage last night (conveniently right at bedtime) while Daddy and I were scrambling to find flashlights and make sure the basement wasn't in imminent danger of flooding if the sump pump was off for a bit. And then not knowing that, I foolishly gave you a full cup of water when you asked for one after I tucked you in.

And, thanks DH. It must be so nice to be 100% off-duty from any type of childcare whatsoever between the hours of 9pm and 6am. I understand that middle-of-the-night wakings really throw you out of whack and try to respect that, but dude, your alarm was going to go off in 5 minutes. 5 measly little minutes. There's no way you could have gotten up and stripped the bed and showered the kid and just generally been slightly helpful so that your 8 months pregnant wife didn't have to do it all herself?

At least he's putting the laundry in now so I didn't have to carry it all down the stairs. (And I mean all. The sheets. The mattress pad. The quilt. There was a LOT of pee. Thank heavens the stuffed animals all escaped the flood.)

What was that about being crabby yesterday? Today's shaping up to be a real winner too... Sigh.


07-11-2013, 08:32 AM
Oh. No.
I'm so sorry.
My DH is like this too, though. It takes impending zombie holocaust to get that man up and it of bed before his alarm. At least he helped with the laundry!!!
Hope you can get some rest today, mama!

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07-11-2013, 08:53 AM
That's what elbows are for...as in one in the ribs so he'll get his butt up. :) I've become expert at nudging DH "in my sleep" so he wakes up. The thing is, he's willing to wake up and do it, but it's like he's in a sleep trance. I hope your day improves.

07-11-2013, 10:26 AM
He owes you. Big time.

07-11-2013, 11:40 AM
He owes you. Big time.

I agree! He better be picking up some damn good chinese food for dinner tonight!!!

07-11-2013, 04:09 PM
This is why I have perfected fake sleeping. DH is a lighter sleeper than I pretend to be so he gets up with a lot of the middle of the night stuff....seeing that written makes me feel like a terrible person :rotflmao:

07-11-2013, 04:12 PM
DH is a lighter sleeper than I pretend to be....

That is hysterical. And brilliant. Love it.

07-11-2013, 04:37 PM
This is why I have perfected fake sleeping. DH is a lighter sleeper than I pretend to be so he gets up with a lot of the middle of the night stuff....seeing that written makes me feel like a terrible person :rotflmao:

Hah! I've actually joked - but it's not really a joke - that if I were to go away for a night and leave him home with the kids I'd have to hire a night nanny. I honestly don't think he'd wake up to the smoke detector going off. When the girls were tiny he'd wake up well-rested in the morning and comment on how well the baby had slept...when in fact I'd been up nursing her six times in the middle of the night while he obliviously snored away and I plotted ways to smother him in his sleep. (Kidding. Mostly.)

But no, this morning I managed to get him conscious. And then when I told him the situation and begged him to get up and handle with it since I hadn't slept well (who sleeps well when they're 33 weeks pregnant?) he said to DD2 (sobbing in our doorway) "just go crawl back in your bed and we'll take care of it later" and fell back to sleep.

Um. Great job taking care of the situation honey. That was some stellar parenting there!

And no, as much as I'd love Chinese takeout for dinner tonight, I have to work. I've left him the chore of re-making the bed, though!

Sarah :)

07-11-2013, 05:44 PM
he said to DD2 (sobbing in our doorway) "just go crawl back in your bed and we'll take care of it later" and fell back to sleep.

Haha! My mom loves to tell the story of when she woke up in middle of the night in labor. She tried to wake up my father (who was in a deep sleep) and told him- I'm in labor! We have to go to the hospital! (She has super fast labors) and he answered...... "Just go back to sleep, you'll feel better in the morning!"