View Full Version : I suck at Pinterest

07-12-2013, 07:18 PM
I have 239 pins on my "kid craft" board. I think I've actually attempted about 3 dozen. Several of them were fun to do, but the outcome NEVER looks like the pin. Fail after fail. Seriously, why do I try? It's like, fashion magazines exist to make you feel ugly, and pinterest exists to remind you other moms do a better job.

Or maybe it's just me. I'd be OK with that. Just wanted to confess my pinterest suckiness, in case anyone was following me!

07-12-2013, 07:31 PM
Ha! You're right. I wonder what percentage of people actually put their pins to practical use.

My craft board is honest in that its title is "things I'll probably never make."

07-12-2013, 07:32 PM
If you've actually tried dozens of pins, I'd say you're absolutely the opposite of a failure!

I tend to see Pinterest as part aspirational, part fantasy. I must have hundreds of decadent, rich recipes pinned -- if I actually tried them all I'd probably keel over from a butter overdose. But they're fun to think about if I ever do need, say, a dozen dips made to taste like various other desserts.

07-12-2013, 08:21 PM
I am doing a babysitting trade with another mom from nursery school this summer, so I have the 2 kids one day a week for 3 hours. I pledged at the beginning of the summer that I would do 1 of the activities that I have posted to pinterest each week. Since mid-may, I can think of 3 things we have done.
I have one friend who is a pinterest queen. She does a ton of the stuff that she finds on pinterest and she does it well. She works 30 hours a week and has 3 kids and a husband who travels a ton. She makes me a little sick but I secretly admire her.

07-12-2013, 08:38 PM
Well, first off I am the same way! Many pins, a few tried, most of those total failures. But, have you all looked at the pinstrosity blog?? I'll see if I can find a link later but it is pretty entertaining. People submit their failures to the blog and the bloggers try to troubleshoot what caused it to fail.

07-12-2013, 08:42 PM
Amen! I do a lot of the recipes but crafts nope. Pinterest is the biggest mommy guilt trip on earth

07-12-2013, 09:00 PM
Pinterest is the biggest mommy guilt trip on earth

I really try to avoid it altogether most of the time .

07-12-2013, 09:51 PM
I've heard it referred to as 'digital hoarding' and in my case, that's probably accurate. I have never thought of it as something I had to go through and accomplish. For me, it's more like a place to bookmark fun ideas, recipes, ect that I *may* want to try...no obligation, just a storage area. That said, I have about 200 pins total and have tried about two dozen, and I consider that to be pretty good!

07-12-2013, 09:55 PM
I've heard it referred to as 'digital hoarding' and in my case, that's probably accurate. I have never thought of it as something I had to go through and accomplish.

This is me. I don't feel any guilt, it's basically magazine clippings.

I have tried a few recipes and most we've liked.

07-12-2013, 09:56 PM
Right there with ya. I love the blog Pintester. She tries a ton of different pins and most of them fail. Things like wreaths and ombré nails and such. Hilarious!

07-12-2013, 10:00 PM
Instead of using Pinterest to find things to do when I don't have time, I use it to save all the ideas I found online for things for our nursery, for the baby, and for vacation ideas. I will never make a 6 layer cake where each layer is a different color of the rainbow, and if that makes me a bad mother, I will apologize to my child when the right time comes up.

I made the mistake of allowing people to pin on my nursery ideas board. It is now filled with THEIR ideas, (their well-meaning ideas) and it's hard to find the things that I want. But another month, it will all be moot!

My FAVORITE board on Pinterest is Tiffany Beveridge's board about her imaginary well-dressed toddler Quinoa: http://pinterest.com/tiffanywbwg/my-imaginary-well-dressed-toddler-daughter/