View Full Version : Mastitis AGAIN

07-12-2013, 11:23 PM
This should maybe be a BP. I got it once or twice with DS1, had a bad case when on maternity leave with DS2 and thought I was in the clear. Then I got it the day before his birthday and again today at 14 mo. I know part of it may be being run down (I used to go to bed early a lot but with the puppy I have today up to let her out). Ds2 still night nurses 2-3 times a night and is teething now (molars) so he's chompy. I was hoping to stop pumping at work and am down to once but skipped it twice this week. I cant deal with this - I get really really sick when I have it and had to cancel clinic (I only cancelled one day when I had the flu).
Just annoyed. I don't want to wean but what I'm doing now doesn't seem to be working well. Also feeling like maybe the puppy was too much to add in.

07-13-2013, 01:42 AM
Ugh, I am so, so sorry. I had it once with DS and two or three times with DD. I can't imagine dealing with it while WOH/WAH. And a new puppy on top of everything! No wonder you're worn out, poor mama!

Rest as much as possible. Empty as much as possible. I've read here and elsewhere that lecithin will help. I can't think of what else, but you have BTDT so you probably have your ways of dealing!
Take care of yourself!

07-13-2013, 09:20 AM
Lecithin will help! It helped me clear a plug within 24 hours and when taken regularly it really does an excellen job of preventing mastitis! I hope you're feeling better soon! Mastitis is awful!

07-13-2013, 03:22 PM
Still feeling icky. Ds2 seemed to sense last night that I wasn't up for nursing and was crankpants.
I haven't done lecithin in the past since I usually clear it quickly but will start.
Cancelled everything today, including a facial :(