View Full Version : What are you looking forward to after you deliver?

07-13-2013, 12:34 PM
I'm at that point where all I can think about now is NOT being pregnant.

What I'm looking forward to:

- having room to eat again
- being able to easily get up after lying down
- not getting up to pee in the night all night long
- having a normal body temperature again
- not being nauseated to the point of retching by minty stuff and oral hygiene (brushing my teeth is excruciating misery while pregnant)
- losing weight
- shopping my closet - I miss my non-pregnant clothes!
- not having people at work comment on how big I am
- being able to tie my shoes easily again
- being able to shave my legs easily again
- having better bladder control, especially when I sneeze!

ETA: How could I forget wine! Sushi! Cocktails!

07-13-2013, 12:53 PM
Ditto on most of those, especially not peeing three million times a night and losing weight and having more room and normal body temperature

-being able to breath easily
-enjoying a glass of wine
-being able to bend over and pick stuff up off the floor without a whole bunch of effort
-squeezing between things (I have been taking different routes when cabinets are open or when in restaurants)

07-13-2013, 12:57 PM
Not worrying about everything poisoning my unborn child (I have pregnancy paranoia and always am in the first trimester during the spring when my neighbors spray pesticide everywhere)
Not peeing every hour
Not being hungry 24/7, but full after two bites (only to be hungry one hour later)
Sleeping any position I want
Not worrying about what's happening inside (the cord is twisted! or around the neck! is baby moving enough? Do I have symptomless listeria??)
Waking up without a foot under my ribs
Not being exhausted all day during first trimester

07-13-2013, 04:31 PM
Everything you said, plus:

- a turkey and swiss sandwich with delicious dijon mustard. I miss deli meat! I told DH this is what I want for the first meal I have any control over after baby arrives. (I won't make him go to the deli and bring all the fixings to the hospital, but seriously, as soon as I get home I'm sending him out for everything I need for a really good sandwich!)
- not feeling wiped out for days by a normal day of errands or housework.
- not feeling like I need a forklift to get out of bed in the morning.

Also - may I suggest cinnamon toothpaste? I can't do minty either, but Crest has a "clean cinnamon" flavor that isn't too strong and works for me!

However, I also have to add what I'm going to MISS after I deliver, because I know this is my last time being pregnant (well, barring divine intervention):

- baby hiccups
- rubbing my belly and getting a nudge in return
- license to eat (almost) whatever I want because I've had a hard time gaining weight (please don't hate me)
- license to be crabby, or, well, at least a valid excuse. ;)

Also, as tough as these last few weeks get, I keep trying to remind myself how much easier it is to care for baby inside than outside! (Though I'm definitely getting eager to meet my little monkey-pants.)

Sarah :)

07-13-2013, 09:35 PM
Also, as tough as these last few weeks get, I keep trying to remind myself how much easier it is to care for baby inside than outside! (Though I'm definitely getting eager to meet my little monkey-pants.)

Sarah :)

That is so, so true. I remember how startling it is (in a sad way), to reach down to the belly those first few times postpartum and NOT have a baby there! I will definitely miss baby kicks and hiccups and even that stubborn little head under my ribcage.

07-13-2013, 10:05 PM
Not pregnant now (thank god), but I remember how happy I was when I could finally sleep on my stomach again.

07-13-2013, 10:17 PM
Sleeping on my back!!
Eating deli meat
Having a margarita
Lifting my legs without pain

07-13-2013, 10:50 PM
Not being in excruciating pain when I roll over

Not having to pee all night long (I honestly get better sleep with a newborn!)

Being able to breathe!

Being able to pick stuff up off the floor without making horrible noises.

Being able to exercise and get this weight off!

Not having to take a pill every 4 hours that makes me feel like total crap just to keep contractions under control.

Not having to get a shot in the butt every week (although my last one is this coming Wednesday woohoo!)

Being able to pee without lifting my enormous belly off my bladder.

But I will miss feeling her move around and hiccup inside me. But that's about it. I suck at being pregnant!

07-14-2013, 08:54 PM
Honestly? Being able to take my baby home (hopefully right away).

Secondary things are:
being able to eat sushi, meat cooked medium, drink wine. (I guess I think about food a lot!)

07-14-2013, 11:01 PM
Ditto to stomach and back sleeping!

Not having heartburn

Who gets LESS tired after the baby comes??? Oy. I consider this my calm before the storm.

What I love now:
I can eat dairy and soy.
I don't have to breastfeed round the clock.
At worst, if I wake up to pee, I can fall back asleep, not so with a colicky infant.

I think all stages of life have their highs and lows. LOL

07-15-2013, 06:24 PM
Being able to eat without suffering from horrible heartburn and indigestion
Being able to sleep on my back or stomach as I please.
Being able to go more than an hour without having to pee.
Being able to bend over.
Oh and of course I can't wait to have some wine, sushi, and lunchmeat!

07-16-2013, 01:12 AM
Medium rare steak!! I just gave birth 10 weeks early and can say that the first med-rare steak hubby made me was delicious!!

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Philly Mom
07-16-2013, 08:00 AM
Well for food things, if I want it now, I eat it if i can't stop thinking about it so I had an Italian hoagie for the first time in 20 years because I could not stop thinking about it, I will have a glass of wine every once in a while, probably three drinks since i realized i was pregnant, and I eat my steak medium rare. Oh and I eat lots of cheese without worrying. DH worries about that and not the deli meat. I worry about the deli meat but if I feel I need a sandwich as I said above, I won't deny it.

After childbirth, I am looking forward to taking home a healthy baby, sleeping on my stomach or back, not waking up every hour to pee, not waking up with cramps in my legs or hands, being able to easily shave my legs, being able to brush my teeth at night without gagging. I am sure there are more just can't think of them.

07-16-2013, 08:58 AM
Sciatica relief :(

and then wine

maybe not in that order!

07-16-2013, 09:14 AM
- not being nauseated to the point of retching by minty stuff and oral hygiene (brushing my teeth is excruciating misery while pregnant)

Oh, I hear you on that.

During my pregnancy with DD, I sent DH out for CINNAMON toothpaste because mint made me barf.

He couldn't find cinnamon, but he did find berry Hannah Montana stuff that, oddly enough, was tolerable.

07-16-2013, 10:39 AM
Medium rare steak!! I just gave birth 10 weeks early and can say that the first med-rare steak hubby made me was delicious!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

yes! I can't wait for this either!

07-16-2013, 03:50 PM
Oh, I hear you on that.

During my pregnancy with DD, I sent DH out for CINNAMON toothpaste because mint made me barf.

He couldn't find cinnamon, but he did find berry Hannah Montana stuff that, oddly enough, was tolerable.

Yes to the cinnamon or berry. I used cinnamon when I was preganant with DD1, but couldn't find it this time around. :confused: So I switched to Tom's of Maine strawberry, but I didn't feel like it was doing the best job of getting my teeth clean and my teeth were suffering a little from a lack of whitening toothpaste (despite the lack of coffee and wine), so I switched back to my old minty one about a month ago. It's better than it was first trimester, but still not enjoyable.