View Full Version : Did your baby become happier/less clingy when he/she learned to walk?

07-17-2013, 08:30 PM
DS2 is 14 months old and is nowhere near walking yet. He pulls up to standing on furniture but does not cruise and cannot get back down from a standing position.

He has been crabby/clingy almost since birth. He wants to be held and walked around the house ALL DAY LONG. I can't get anything done around the house since he is in my arms constantly. I feel like I have been ignoring my older kids for most of the last year. I was hoping that once he learned to crawl that he might become more independent, but it has made very little change to his high needs temperament.

I'm praying that once he learns to walk, he will be a little more independent! Someone (anyone), please say this might happen!!!!!

07-17-2013, 09:11 PM
My little guy was still very clingy after learning to walk. He does have medical issues and has had lots of hospitalizations which have cause him some anxiety, which has really affected his personality.

07-17-2013, 09:14 PM
Dd wasn't super clingy, but she was pretty content to be in the carrier or held until she learned to walk at ten months. She spent the next six months running away from me at full speed at every opportunity. Not sure if that constitutes hope or not. Sorry.


07-17-2013, 09:17 PM
No, he was still super clingy as a young toddler even after learning to walk around 17 mo. He didn't branch out until about 3-3.5 yo. I know that's not what you want to hear, but every one kept telling me how different he would be once he turned 1, then 1.5, then 2, then 2.5. I kept thinking it was going away and it did, but not for some time. It had its benefits, he never ran away or needed chasing. He never got lost in crowds and was a dream to take out in public once he would sit in a stroller/shopping cart. It was hard when he was young, but the clingy part of him has turned into a gentle, sweet child.

07-17-2013, 09:25 PM
No, he was still super clingy as a young toddler even after learning to walk around 17 mo. He didn't branch out until about 3-3.5 yo. I know that's not what you want to hear, but every one kept telling me how different he would be once he turned 1, then 1.5, then 2, then 2.5. I kept thinking it was going away and it did, but not for some time. It had its benefits, he never ran away or needed chasing. He never got lost in crowds and was a dream to take out in public once he would sit in a stroller/shopping cart. It was hard when he was young, but the clingy part of him has turned into a gentle, sweet child.

I keep thinking maybe it will get better when he learns to sit up, then maybe when he learns to crawl...... I feel awful because I spend most of my day wishing that he was just a little older (and happier).

07-17-2013, 09:55 PM
Have you tried a carrier like an Ergo or whatever else is out here now? That was what saved me with other kids in the house to care for. DS2 hung out on my back and was reasonably content. I had my hands free and could get things done a bit easier.

07-17-2013, 11:38 PM
Ditto to the carrier! Save a little of your sanity!

Dd took her first steps last week. She is still clingy and super high maintenance, now she can just get into more trouble when I have to put her down. I am just trying to accept that this little girl will never be mellow!

07-18-2013, 08:28 AM
Unfortunately no DD2 is still clingy and she's been walking since 10 months. She follows me around the house begging for "uppy". If I sit she climbs all over me. A carrier can save you. An ergo, a sling is good for quick up and downs, mei tai can keep them up a little higher on your back so they can watch what you're doing.

07-18-2013, 09:43 AM
if it makes you feel better, my DD is also not walking but she is the opposite of clingy

she fights to be down all the time and she refuses absolutely any containment. a carrier - she screams. she sees me try to set up the play yard, she starts screaming and tries to crawl out of the room.

and she is non, non, non, NON STOP. she's trying to go up the stairs, pull the socket covers out of the sockets, open any and every cabinet, shove things under the radiators, pull up and bang on the leaded glass windows in the hallway, chew any and every piece of furniture, chase the dog, chew the dog toys (she much prefers the dog toys over her own), eat every piece of dirt, dust or lint she can find on the floor, shred all papers she can find (and try to eat them), and on and on and on. it's shocking. DS was not like this. this baby really, truly just doesn't stop. all day long.

so, if your DS will stay in a carrier happily, take it while you can get it!!