View Full Version : sacrum/coccyx...i don't know (maybe TMI)

07-20-2013, 03:12 PM
I am trying to put this delicately...this pregnancy has been so, so different from my other ones and it's been so long that I feel like a total FTM again.

So, I feel the baby moving...um...in some interesting places. I am in pain in my butt (I guess that's the sacrum? it starts high and goes through my tailbone) and I'm feeling the baby move like...where you feel um...sorry....toots when they're on their way out. i feel her other places, too, but she really seems to be hanging out kinda low and maybe toward the back? has anyone felt baby way back there? is that why my butt hurts? is there something i can do to move her? also, is it possible she's engaged? I just don't see how she could be so low and be putting so much pressure down there if she wasn't. i remember feeling some similar pains in my pelvis when DD dropped but that was at the end. I remember feeling like her head was between my legs and I would put my hand down sometimes when going upstairs because it felt like she might drop out. She was so low. but that was at the end! I'm nowhere close!

Is it worth mentioning this to my OB at my next appt? I never know when I'm making a big deal out of nothing or ignoring potential signs of early labor. I didn't even realize i was in PTL with DD and made it to 3cm and a +2 station with DS before I knew something was wrong.

maybe i just needed to vent on this, but if anyone can relate or offer some wisdom, i'd appreciate it. TIA!

07-20-2013, 04:09 PM
She may be positioned with her spine against your spine. Both my girls did this and I had back labor with both of them (but was able to turn dD2 with yoga). To deal with the discomfort, get on your hands and knees like you are going to crawl. Then rotate your hips so you are swiveling your tush around (you may want to make sure no one is around). It helped me get the kids in more comfortable position.

07-20-2013, 07:53 PM
That is where I have felt the dull pain constantly with the sciatica along with the shooting pains. My chiro made a world of difference. Apparently my sacrum needs adjusting to allow the baby to move correctly. She has been transverse but I do now feel more up and down movement. This chiro specializes in pregnant women and kids. Lifesaver! My pain is all but gone.