View Full Version : Worried about very smelly nail salon

08-15-2013, 08:39 AM
I spent 1.5 hrs in a really smelly nail salon yesterday. I didn't think it would be that long and I didn't think it would get smelling THAT toxic and now I am super worried. I mean there was a 5 minute period where the odor was so strong I could barely inhale, but it was at a time where I couldn't get up and leave. I don't know exactly what the chemical was, but could I have done any damage to the baby?

Was with a pregnant friend that said she came here 1x a week last pregnancy and I was trying not to be a hypochondriac and just relax for 1/2 hr instead of insisting we leave. But even she said at the end she had never smelled it like that!

08-15-2013, 09:10 AM
You're probably asking the wrong person, but even passing a nail polish display while pregnant made me queasy, so I wouldn't have been there in the first place. (I exaggerate, of course. But I also dealt badly with my morning sickness and the over-sensitive preggo-nose, so take my comments with a grain of salt.)

However, I don't think whatever you did is enough to hurt your baby. It's ONE TIME, versus repeated exposure.

If you feel that calling your OB's office will reassure you, though, I don't see why you couldn't call.

08-15-2013, 09:19 AM
When I was pregnant I worried about that stuff all the time. So I totally get where you are coming from.
But I'm sure you have nothing to worry about. It was unpleasant, not dangerous. Even if the fumes could cause a problem, they wouldn't do so in such a short amount of time.

08-15-2013, 10:02 AM
I'm sure it was fine. If you were there all day, every day, I would maybe worry a teeny tiny bit, but spending one day there is no big deal IMO. The woman who does my nails at my nail salon was pg when I was and she had a perfectly normal/healthy child. She works there 6 days a week from 10am to 7pm.