View Full Version : Do you put the desk in your child's room near the window?

08-15-2013, 11:01 AM
When I grew up, I was taught not to put things in front of the window. For the kids rooms though I had a kids kidcraft sized table in front of DS1 window when we worked on a school project a few years ago (this was for a month or two) since it was on posterboard and we needed that much surface area. Then we got him a desk, and put it perpendicular to the window, and it just didn't seem that welcoming. This was 2 years ago. He was writing some thank you notes last week and he wasn't getting good natural light so I moved the desk to in front of the window and it works better for light but still seems a bit awkward. DS1 will be doing his homework there this year. BTW I'm not worried about kids climbing the desk and getting into the window. I really want to maximize natural light. I tried to search for kids desks on houzz and didn't find much, in relation to placement near windows (or not). The window faces the back yard and has a view of trees, which I don't think is distracting.

Do you have a desk near/in front of the window in a child's room?

08-18-2013, 03:21 PM
Yes, DS's desk is in front of one of the windows in his bedroom. He is in fourth grade now, but he has had the desk since Kindergarten.

The lower edge of the window is a few inches above the back of the desk, so I'm not concerned about anything on his desk breaking the glass...is that one of the reasons you have avoided putting his desk there?

We also have a view of a backyard and trees, so it seems to me like an ideal place for a desk. No problems so far with distractions...in fact DS tells me he likes to work at his desk because of the view and fresh air.

08-18-2013, 05:29 PM
I always had my desks in front of windows when I was a child! I think it's nice. If I put desks in the children's rooms, I will most likely try to put them under windows, but I'm hoping I can fit work areas into a new family room so they will be doing their work downstairs in a public area.

08-18-2013, 05:43 PM
Hmm, my first thought would be if he would climb out the window. You said that isn't the concern. My next thought would be is it blocking a way to escape in the event of a fire? If the answer to that is no and you and he have discussed how he would get out that window if he needed to then I wouldn't see a problem with putting it in front of the window.