View Full Version : Oh, so embarrassed

09-03-2013, 12:05 PM
I get the bottom floor of my house cleaned every two weeks. We've never had the top floor done because I'm not great at getting the entire house clean enough to be cleaned at the same time. Right now, between having the kids home all summer and us traveling every weekend, it's been even messier than usual upstairs.

Today there was some kind of miscommunication, and the cleaners did my entire upstairs. I came home an hour past the time they should have been done and they were still here, because they'd just finished the top floor. I feel horrible. I never would have asked someone to clean up that much mess on my behalf, and I'm actually pretty upset that anyone else had to see it. :bag

So here I am hiding in my bonus room, feeling guilty and embarrassed. (I will, of course, pay the cleaners for the extra work. It isn't their fault the company didn't give them the right information).

09-03-2013, 12:11 PM
I soooooo get it! The thing is, I guarantee you they see worse on a weekly basis, and now your upstairs is clean!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe you can hobble it along from week to week so you could do a whole house clean from now on without much increase in cost. Wouldn't that be great?! Now they've seen your absurd worst, so there's no need ever to be embarrassed again.

09-03-2013, 02:30 PM
We had to have the a/c fixed last week. We'd just returned from a long vacation and I had no time off between returning and getting back to work to clean the house. Well the a/c guy had to come in and fill out the paper work at our kitchen counter... the room looked like a tornado had struck minutes earlier. Extra embarrassing because he lives in our neighborhood. Ugh...

09-03-2013, 09:23 PM
I totally understand! Our old house cleaners used to come every other week. Once I got the weeks totally mixed up and they came in to a sink full of dirty dishes, unmade bed (I always make the bed unless they're changing linens) and a huge general disarray of the whole house. I was embarrassed and kept explaining that I never would have expected they clean that mess (they did!) and never would have left it had I expected them. They thought it was kinda funny and said it happens a lot lol.
I can totally picture your upstairs too...it probably looks just like mine right now. School started today and tomorrow, we traveled just about every week this summer, I'm sorting and pulling summer and fall clothing for the kids, my vacuum has been sitting in the upstairs hall for a week, and I have about 5 loads of laundry waiting to be put away!