View Full Version : Lice!!!!!!

11-05-2013, 08:08 PM
So DD was sent home from school today with lice!! Yes, it sucks, but I can handle it. In the 15 minutes it took for me to get her from school, the school nurse freaked her out and she thinks she is going to hurt me. I am 39+ weeks pregnant. The nurse told DD that she should not be around me at all because the medicine to treat it is dangerous for the baby. Now DD keeps crying that this is the worst day of her life and she is going to kill her sister. I already did the cetaphil method on DD, I spent hours combing her hair with the terminator, and totally have stripped everyones rooms. I have a nit picking service coming in the am to check me. We will be fine. Even if I decide to go the route of insecticide for DD or for me, the script I called into the pharmacy is category B. I just wish the nurse kept her mouth shut. DD has anxiety already - we don't need to add to it!!!!

11-05-2013, 08:44 PM
Aw your poor sweet DD! Hope you get rid of it for good. Obviously you don't need that added stress with a baby coming soon. Good luck!

11-05-2013, 11:55 PM
Your older DD sounds like a sweetie! I'd give that nurse a piece of my mind IIWY. Awake the Pregasauris-MamaBear in you and go to town for making your DD feel bad. Kid can't help that she got lice, and the nurse is a ninny for thinking the only treatment available would hurt you. Ejit.

Tondi G
11-06-2013, 03:21 AM
BUmmer about the lice only because it's a Pain in the A*s and not what you want to be dealing with at 39+ weeks preggo but that nurse is an idiot! I'm sorry she got your DD all worked up. It's lice for goodness sakes .... not the plague! Hope that the service finds you clean tomorrow and that you can just focus on your kiddo.

11-06-2013, 08:27 AM
I would say something to the nurse and hand her documents of the alternatives and educate her. It sounds like she is a wee bit clueless of the safer alternatives and does not exactly have the greatest way of dealing with children.

11-06-2013, 12:22 PM
That nurse needs some "feedback" from you for sure! You and your dd did not need that. What exactly does she think will happen to a baby that is almost ready to be born anyway??? Seriously!