View Full Version : Need a little mojo to just keep going for a little longer...

12-15-2013, 11:39 PM
I'm running on fumes! I need juju to just make it through this next week. I worked this weekend (AGAIN. I actually JUST called it quits for tonight). I was away for 6 days last week, working very very long days (I'm talking 15-17 hour days every day). Our beloved dog died several days ago. While I was gone. I came home to a body to cry over. DD2 had pinkeye last week so that did a number on my hours of work that I needed to get done. I will be working every night this week to meet a Friday deadline.

And THEN...

Cross every finger and toe...it might actually be quiet until the new year. And I need it really, really badly. SO badly.

Oh, and I'm sick too.

The one bit of good news is that I got a promotion and very substantial raise (which IMHO was heavily deserved!!) and quite a decent bonus. But I would happily give all that up to not have another year like this and work normal 40-hour weeks every week.

12-15-2013, 11:47 PM
Glad to hear they are rewarding your work. Best of luck hanging in there and catching a break soon!


12-16-2013, 01:29 AM
Congrats on the bonus and promotion! Hang in there!