View Full Version : WWYD: Would you choose AM or PM pre-k?

02-14-2014, 12:25 AM
Which would you choose and why? I'm signing up for next year and can't decide. The morning program is 8-11a and the afternoon program is 12-3p. I'm currently a SAHM and DS2 will be 2 and won't be in preschool yet.

I'm trying to decide if it's better to have them together in the mornings while we run errands, take classes, etc. or if it's better to have DS1 in school while I run around with DS2 and then give DS1 some quiet time or 1on1 time with me in the afternoons while DS2 naps.


02-14-2014, 12:37 AM
Hmmm, that's a toughie. If you sign him up for PM pre-K, you'd also be getting some alone time while DS2 naps and DS1 is in school.

For me, I'd probably choose AM pre-K. I just think kids that age are more alert and therefore able to absorb more information, as well as be better behaved, in the mornings. Even my DS2, who has not had an afternoon nap since he was 2 1/2, gets slightly tired and sleepy in the afternoons. Heck, most adults get tired and sleepy in the afternoons!

Also, depending on how far away the school is and how long your DS2 naps, you might run the risk of having to wake him up from his nap to get DS1. I had to do that on occasion when my older son had PM preschool, and I just hated to do it!

02-14-2014, 12:44 AM
I'm not a morning person so for me its an easy choice but I wanted to chime in DS1 may need a nap after school. My DD dropped her at home naps around that age but still sleeps like a stone during rest time at school and she's 4.

02-14-2014, 12:51 AM
Hmmm, that's a toughie. If you sign him up for PM pre-K, you'd also be getting some alone time while DS2 naps and DS1 is in school.

Yeah, that is also a pro to afternoon pre-k. I try to do quiet time for ds1 while ds2 naps but realistically that means I'm interrupted every ten minutes or so.

The school is five minutes from home so not far but you hit on my concern about nap. Most of the time he's awake by 3p now but I know their nap times become more unpredictable in the 2s.

02-14-2014, 01:12 AM
I'd pick AM. Then you have the rest of the day to do stuff! Unless the PM class will be significantly smaller than the AM class because everyone wants AM.

02-14-2014, 01:42 AM
Morning, no question. Morning is when they are fresh for school and doing things with one kid is easier with two, you can have some time one on one with your little one and then everyone can rest in the afternoon.

02-14-2014, 01:43 AM
I'll be in exact same situation as you are in within 2 years. I would go for AM schedule as it'll give me 1:1 with DS2 while DS1 is in school and switch the 1:1 time to DS1 when DS2 naps. Not to mention the fact DS2 is just more alert and likes to be out in the mornings and I suspect he'll even still be napping next year , so the PM schedule wouldn't work well for him.

02-14-2014, 06:20 AM
As much as none of us here are morning people, we'd have to chose AM. My DS is nearly 4.5 and still desperately needs his nap. That PM slot falls directly over his naptime, so for us it would be a disaster.

02-14-2014, 08:41 AM
I've done both. I prefer morning. Get up and out. Still have time to have play dates, zoo trips...after school. We were terrible about doing that stuff in the AM bc chilling in pjs was so nice. :) eta- the one good thing about PM preschool was that all the stores and businesses are open by noon so any appointments or errands are a sure thing. In the AM, only a handful of places are open before 10 around here. But, things not being open was good for me b/c I went to the gym vs being tempted by all the errands I could accomplish. Stores are less crowded in the AM too. I very much lean morning after trying it both ways.

02-14-2014, 08:44 AM
I'm not a morning person, but I'd choose AM.

We have full day K. It's interesting to think about what things would be like if the girls were only in 1/2 day K!

02-14-2014, 08:55 AM
AM is what we always did. I SAH with my last 2 and it made a nice routine Everyone gets up gets moving I got things done during preschool. Afternoon always seemed like it would cut up the day more.

02-14-2014, 09:24 AM
I had this same question when my first child was entering preschool. I might have posted it on BBB years ago.
I ended up choosing AM and was very happy. With AM, there is more of a chance that your kid will get on a 'normal' schedule and routine that fits in with your day (if you and/or your partner work).
On the other hand... I have friends who did afternoon, one kicking and screaming, and turned out liking it. They had lazy mornings and then had their kid go to school and had quick evenings and then to bed early (especially since few kids napped with the new schedule so were tired).
I am glad that I chose AM, but I can see benefits the other way, too. It's all good.
Keep in mind that the PMs are the harder ones to fill, so if you sign up for AM and the school is flexible for switching, you might be able to later (if you are unhappy) ask the school if anyone wants to switch from the PM. It won't happen the other way around though - I have done a whole 'preschool application process' in our area twice now and all the schools have way more applicants for the AM slots.

02-14-2014, 11:13 AM
Am. Kids are fresher. Afternoons can be for resting/activities/errands.

meggie t
02-14-2014, 11:50 AM
We are in PM this year and will be moving to AM next year. I have a 1 yo DD at home and this year I had to rearrange her nap schedule to pick up DS from school. Now it is fine but I know next year she will be on 1 PM nap. I didn't want to have that disrupted so as much as I like to laze about in the AMs, we will be up and out next school year! It'll just work better all around. I hope. : )

02-14-2014, 11:50 AM
We put Stachio on the waiting list for AM 4k when we registered last year. (Bussed kids got priority and we live too close to the school to qualify for busing.) Anyway, my reasoning is that Stachio is fresher in the AM, and while he rarely naps in the afternoon (not for lack of trying) he has a harder time paying attention and listening in the afternoon.

He got into the AM class and I'm really glad of it. School tires him out, and he actually naps once in a while after school/lunch, which wouldn't happen if he were in PM 4k.

ETA: AM 4k also gave us more flexibility for getting Stachio to/from school. Since we don't qualify for the bus, the PM drop off/pick up times were more difficult for us to navigate, whereas the AM pickup/drop off times are easier for us.

02-14-2014, 12:03 PM
I had a pre-k'er and an infant/young toddler and went with pm pre-k for my DS a few years ago. It worked great. Here's why:
-(#1 reason for me) When baby was napping, DS was at school so I had a few hours to do stuff around the house alone. Heavenly!
-It worked out that there are many more morning activities available for pre-kers in the a.m. hours... swim lessons, library storytimes, gymnastics classes, etc. There really isn't anything offered in the afternoon plus it was my younger one's naptime so we would be stuck at home day after day.
-in our school pre-k kids were able to ride the bus home at the end of the day with the big kids (my older DD was in first and the bus stop was my driveway). It was great!

It worked out really, really well and I don't regret doing the afternoon class at all.

02-14-2014, 12:36 PM
Our kindy is half day and i'm going to request PM. Although DD1 wakes up early enough, we are not fast moving in the morning. Plus, I think it will be nice to have her in school while the younger 2 nap in the afternoon.

02-14-2014, 01:22 PM
Morning, no question. Morning is when they are fresh for school and doing things with one kid is easier with two, you can have some time one on one with your little one and then everyone can rest in the afternoon.


02-14-2014, 01:27 PM
When I asked about this in my own district, I was told 80% of parents request AM.

02-14-2014, 01:43 PM
I know AM is super popular but we're requesting PM for the following reasons.

1. I want Ds2 and Ds3 to have time together in the AM.
2. Ds3 will nap during the PM preK and I can do stuff around the house.
3. Most of the local community activities for kids ages 3-5 are in the AM. Dance, sports, library story hour, music are all scheduled between 9 am and noon. This gives us one more year to do things together.

We're already up and out to drop off Ds1 and with this plan we can do things together (myself, Ds2 and Ds3) until PM preK when Ds3 will take his nap at home. The major downsides are like Pp said, kids are at their best in the AM and some still nap. Ds2 does nap about 50% of the time, but I'm not sure about 9 months from now. I think I wouldn't mind AM preK but for now I think it would be worse for us if in the mornings I have Ds3 with me while Ds2 is at preK, and then Ds2 stuck at home during the afternoons while Ds3 naps. With an AM preK plan, each kid could potentially have more 1:1 time with me but I know myself and I'd rather have some down time in the afternoon.

02-14-2014, 07:25 PM
I'd choose AM, even though DD3 (going next fall) isn't napping anymore. She's just not her best in the afternoon. Also, there is more flexibility to do a swim class or something for her age in the late AM early PM.

02-14-2014, 07:41 PM
We've always done morning preschool and I have had one child in half day K, in the AM, and next yr, my youngest will be half day K in the AM too. First of all, does your school let you choose? Ours is designated by where you are geographically in our district. Also, yeah, kids are fresher in the morning and have you ever dealt with the insanity called, "after school pick up?" If your child needs to be a pick up (no busses or private school), it is awful. I would much rather deal with the morning school traffic, rather than the after-school traffic. In K, our kids get homework too. It's easier if they are in the AM, and then they have more time to do their homework. In the PM, they come home and there is much less downtime, plus dinner, baths, extracurriculars, etc., AND homework.