View Full Version : how to potty train in diapers and underwear?

02-18-2014, 11:57 AM
Daycare won't take my DS in underwear unless he limits himself to 1-2 accidents a day. So I'm thinking underwear at home and diapers at school for now. Will this poor kid be completely confused? Any other ideas on how to tackle this challenge?

i tried to train him this weekend and had a ton of accidents but made some progress in that he would stop mid-pee and tell me he had to go and finish in the potty.

02-18-2014, 01:50 PM
Will they allow pull-ups at school....so they're more like undies, but there isn't the accident factor from actual undies?? I'm not a huge fan of pull-ups but this is where/how we used them at the school's encouragement.

02-18-2014, 02:47 PM
Do you have the option to keep him home for a couple of days and do intense training? With DD1, I kept her home on a Friday of a 3 day weekend, put her in undies full time and brought her to the potty every 20 minutes. By Monday we ran errands etc. with her in underwear. I sent her to school on Tuesday in underwear, left several spare pairs in her cubby and took home all of the diapers, and we never looked back. I told her teachers we were potty training in advance and we wrote up a school/home plan detailing what I would do at home and what they would do at school to support us. It worked very well. I think underwear at home and diapers at school can be confusing to a kid. If he is having a lot of accidents, are you sure he is ready to PT? I wouldn't push the potty training if he isn't really ready.

02-18-2014, 07:08 PM
I put him in underwear from morning until time for school. Then he was in diapers all day at school. When i got him home, he had piddled a teeny bit in his diaper but I put him on the potty and he went a ton. I moved him to underwear and then he went another 2 hours later. Cross fingers..maybe this will work! I am going to try to do another intense training this weekend. It's already better than yesterday!

I'm going to move him to pull ups and talk to school about training.

02-18-2014, 11:23 PM
FWIW, our preschool will only let you use training pants with Velcro sides so it's easier for them to change the kids. That seems too similar to a diaper to make much difference to me. DS wore diapers at school until he was trained at home and then still asked for a diaper for pooping for many more months after he was pee trained.

02-20-2014, 04:45 PM
How is it going? It sounds like he really held it in at day care so I'd send him in underwear for a few days and ask them to offer him the potty.

02-25-2014, 11:33 AM
We had a great weekend in underwear. He was completely dry Saturday and two little squirts sunday but I think he gets it! He was still in diapers last week at school but today he refused to wear them, so we're in underwear today. Hoping for good results.