View Full Version : DD only wants the right breast

02-23-2014, 08:10 PM
What can I do about this? I suspect it is because the left side is bigger and we had a challenge getting a good latch from day 1. Now the left side has mastitis which makes it even harder for her to latch because the areola is very hard and swollen. I try pumping but can only get maybe 0.5 oz. I'm concerned that she isn't getting enough because she will only nurse on the right side for 15-20 mins each feeding. I can't get into a LC until tomorrow at the earliest - - should I be giving her formula until then? Any other tips on how to empty my left side, since she won't nurse and pumping isn't very effective?

02-23-2014, 08:17 PM
What can I do about this? I suspect it is because the left side is bigger and we had a challenge getting a good latch from day 1. Now the left side has mastitis which makes it even harder for her to latch because the areola is very hard and swollen. I try pumping but can only get maybe 0.5 oz. I'm concerned that she isn't getting enough because she will only nurse on the right side for 15-20 mins each feeding. I can't get into a LC until tomorrow at the earliest - - should I be giving her formula until then? Any other tips on how to empty my left side, since she won't nurse and pumping isn't very effective?

In the long run, I don't think it is a problem if she only nurses from one side. The supply on that side will grow to meet her demand. DS2 mostly only nursed on one side from 3 months on. In the short run though, clearing up that breast is definitely a priority! I don't have lots of advice in that regard though so hopefully someone else can chime in.

02-23-2014, 08:50 PM
I've known a few people who only nursed on one side for various reasons, so it can be done, but I think you want to keep pumping even if you're not getting much or anything at all and try to get the milk out. I've heard that cabbage leaves work really well to help.

I wanted to add, I wouldn't give her formula as long as she's having enough wet diapers, she's getting enough. If she's satisfied after 15-20 minutes, I wouldn't worry.

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02-23-2014, 09:19 PM
DS1 was like this and preferred the left side which was bigger and more productive. After the year mark I gave up and only nursed from one side, but your baby is so young that I'd still try and get her to take both sides. What I did when DS1 was still under one was nurse him from the preferred left side first, using the regular cradle hold with his head on the left, and then I'd just slowly slide him over with his head still on the left so he thought he was still nursing from the left side! It worked! So I'd try that. I never gave him formula or anything and he nursed till he self-weaned at 24 months.

02-23-2014, 09:49 PM
DS1 was like this and preferred the left side which was bigger and more productive. After the year mark I gave up and only nursed from one side, but your baby is so young that I'd still try and get her to take both sides. What I did when DS1 was still under one was nurse him from the preferred left side first, using the regular cradle hold with his head on the left, and then I'd just slowly slide him over with his head still on the left so he thought he was still nursing from the left side! It worked! So I'd try that. I never gave him formula or anything and he nursed till he self-weaned at 24 months.

I did this same thing with dd, and she eventually would take that side, but I knew she wasn't getting much. I kept it up, though, bc I wasn't sure one side was enough and if the "bad boobie" (as we called it, lol) even just gave her 0.5-1 ounce, at least it was something.

With DS (first baby), he wasn't as easy of a nurser. He also preferred the left side, and no wonder bc if we started on the right, my milk would never come down! So I just started always putting him on the left, and I would pump the right while he nursed. Then, feed it to him from a bottle. Did that lovely routine for 5 months. Then my letdown just quit. No idea why. I would have liked to nurse him for a year like I later did DD, but it wasn't in the cards.

02-23-2014, 10:08 PM
You'll be fine just using one side if you have to. Try to clear that left breast and pump it so you can keep your supply up on it in case your baby changes her mind. I like the tricky substitution idea! You don't need to give formula. Your supply will rise to her demand even on only one breast.

02-23-2014, 11:16 PM
Try giving her the left after you pump and it's "softer." And try not to switch her position, just move your boobs.

Mastitis, ugh! Hope you feel better! Why can't everything and everyone just cooperate for a few weeks after birth??? :hug:

02-24-2014, 11:18 AM
(1) Sorry about the mastitis. I would try a warm compress prior to pumping to see if it yields more. It'll still hurt like a mother, but I found it helped me when I had mastitis.

(2) My left side is also bigger. I found I had to use the football hold to get a good latch with DD. It made it easier to monitor her "big open" (my LC said to say "big open" or whatever to get DD to associate that motion with a feed; I don't know if it worked for real, but it made me feel much more in control!) and I really felt like we had a better latch in that position.

If you're not already using the football hold, I strongly recommend it!