View Full Version : DD1, just poop on the potty already!

03-03-2014, 07:36 PM
DD1 is 3 y 5 months, and still won't poop in the potty. We don't pressure, we praise when she tries, etc., etc. But I feel like my whole life at home revolves around her bowel movements lately. If it's a good day, she'll request pull-ups to go in; if it's a bad day, we get multiple underwear accidents. She went once in the potty last week and received a long-promised "reward" of a trip to the Disney store to pick out a toy. Now, she says she needs to try to go on the potty multiple times a day because (I think) she wants more rewards, and not so much that she really needs to go. So now I'm stuck waiting her out for 20-30 min a time on the toilet, and she still ends up having accidents or going in pull-ups. I haven't been able to get anything done today because of this potty situation - multiple trips to the bathroom, multiple interruptions of my attempts to make dinner to clean up her accidents. I'm going batty!!! Plus, she's been a total pill today when she's not in the bathroom. Sometimes 3 is a great age; days like today, I'm questioning my non-traditional work schedule to be home more. :bag

03-03-2014, 07:43 PM
The thing I am least proud of in my parenting is potty training. I really am patient most of the time but potty training, particularly poop potty training is the worst and it brought out the worst in me. DS1 was almost FOUR by the time he finally trained. I tried everything under the sun. Finally, when I had totally had it, I lost my cool. It was not a proud mommy moment but I yelled at him over a poop accident. And he never had an accident again. I joke that I scared the "poop" out of him. So what I'm really saying is that I get it completely. I hope you have more composure than I did (you probably do) but if you do lose it, sometimes it isn't as bad as you think it might be, and you're definitely not the first to have been at your limit!

Philly Mom
03-03-2014, 07:50 PM
I totally understand. We are going through the same thing. It definitely is one thing I am looking forward to DD1's daycare teachers working on. Right now she is waiting until nap time/ bed time at least so she is diapered. She does go on the potty sometimes, which makes it more frustrating.

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03-03-2014, 09:09 PM
I feel for you. DS1 was 3 months shy of 4 by the time he consistently pooped on the potty.

03-03-2014, 10:58 PM
We were in the same spot as you just a few months ago. We told DD once she turned 3 she would be ready to go poo poo in the potty b/c she was a big girl. She wasn't really buying it but we kept reminding her occasionally. The thing that helped her turn the corner was the Sesame Street squishy potty seat. I pulled it out and told her it was really going to help her go and sure enough she did! She was so super proud and for a few days insisted that she needed to use it, which we indulged of course. Soon she was dry with few accidents and hasn't looked back.

03-03-2014, 11:14 PM
I'm sorry. All I can say is BTDT and I know how frustrating it is!!! And don't feel bad, It is totally the kid and not you..DD is not even 3 and has been pooping on the potty for weeks now, whereas DS...he was 3y4m before he even agreed to do it for the first time and then 3.5 before he was fully PT'ed. I did nothing different. I will never know why DS would refuse to poop on the potty and DD never had an issue with it. It is one of those grand mysteries of life!!

03-03-2014, 11:27 PM
The thing I am least proud of in my parenting is potty training. I really am patient most of the time but potty training, particularly poop potty training is the worst and it brought out the worst in me. DS1 was almost FOUR by the time he finally trained. I tried everything under the sun. Finally, when I had totally had it, I lost my cool. It was not a proud mommy moment but I yelled at him over a poop accident. And he never had an accident again. I joke that I scared the "poop" out of him. So what I'm really saying is that I get it completely. I hope you have more composure than I did (you probably do) but if you do lose it, sometimes it isn't as bad as you think it might be, and you're definitely not the first to have been at your limit!

Thanks for this. PTing has tried my parental patience like nothing else. It is my kryptonite so far. I haven't yelled about the potty yet, but I was so frazzled after the third accident this afternoon that I yelled at her over something unrelated (basically annoying behavior but not something I'd normally yell about). This is definitely not a great parenting day.