View Full Version : I'm ready to move!

03-13-2014, 10:44 PM
Heading to pick our pups up from their dental cleaning at the vets, I was approached by two police officers and there were FIVE cruisers on my street. Apparently, a girl (they just said girl, not age) reported that she'd been picked up and driven away against her will after getting out of school. ON MY STREET!! And, in our police force style as they're asking the questions, they look at each other, nodding and saying that she's got to be making the story up. How about you get all of the neighbors and kids statements before making that assessment and definitely not say that in front of me. Oh, and yeah, my kids were WITH ME while they were asking for my statement so now they're totally freaked out. We've made that a good thing to talk to them about the dangers of strangers and the power of sticking close by one of us and staying together. But I'm sure I'm going to be soothing them back to sleep after a nightmare...and if not them, then definitely one of my own.

Oh, and as a side note...three days after our call to the police about our unwelcome visitor, they published a PSA for our entire neighborhood about group of recent break-ins. Hmm, they never mentioned that they'd had a lot of break-ins when I was making the report and they were poo poo'ing it. :(

03-13-2014, 11:35 PM
Wow. That is just unbelieveable. It's terrifying to hear a story like that and I can't imagine them standing there just telling you it's all fiction anyway. For the safety of your neighborhood I'd hope she's making it up but somehow that seems unlikely based on the other things you've posted about this area :(

I know you've mentioned moving at some point in the future in other posts. How much longer do you have in this location? Hope things improve and you all get some sleep tonight!

03-14-2014, 12:37 PM
Wow. That is just unbelieveable. It's terrifying to hear a story like that and I can't imagine them standing there just telling you it's all fiction anyway. For the safety of your neighborhood I'd hope she's making it up but somehow that seems unlikely based on the other things you've posted about this area :(

I know you've mentioned moving at some point in the future in other posts. How much longer do you have in this location? Hope things improve and you all get some sleep tonight!

We're due to move this summer (military summer cycle). I cannot wait. My husband has several periods of leave that he's factoring into the schedule to get us away from here as often as he can--and for himself to get a break from the burnout. We're headed out to a park with fellow homeschoolers today and my sons keep telling me about how we'll play but we'll stay together. They're still freaked out. I wish they could have had my childhood of running wild out in the country with nary a road or stranger in sight--just your best friends who were also your sisters.