View Full Version : Perimenopause?

03-14-2014, 07:26 PM
I think I might be in perimenopause. I'm having some of the symptoms (cycle is shortening, periods are heavier and more painful, night sweats). Has anyone else experienced this, and what did you do about it? The night sweats in particular are really bothering me. My GYN is on maternity leave for a few months so I'm not sure what the next step (if anything) would be. Do I get my hormone levels tested - and by who? I don't know anything about hormone replacement therapy and don't think I'd do it anyway - I just kind of want to know if this is definitely perimenopause and if there are other things I could do to help minimize the night sweats. I am otherwise healthy.

03-14-2014, 07:31 PM
I talked to my family practice Dr about it and said there wasn't much to do since I have a family history of breast cancer. Then I talked to my OB/GYN about it (had to go to her because I was bleeding all the time). She put me on Reclipsen (birth control--weird, right?!) and no more hot flashes, cycles are regular, light and not painful anymore, and my husband/family/children/friends aren't getting their heads bitten off for every little thing anymore. Definitely talk to your Dr. about it. I hope you can find some relief soon. Big hugs!

03-14-2014, 07:42 PM
Im almost 47 and went back on birth control a year ago. I had shorter cycles and heavy. I have no other symptoms but OH MY is my life easier. My NP said I could stay on them until menopause Both my mom & grandmother didn't hit menopause until early 50s.

03-14-2014, 10:11 PM
Did either of your have night sweats? Did the BCP help with them?

03-15-2014, 09:53 AM
Another thing to consider is fibroids, which start to grow around this age and can contribute to the irregular heavy cycles. I'm on non-stop BCP because of them. Holding off surgery.

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03-15-2014, 03:44 PM
No I didn't My NP said that the pill worked like hormone replacement and should lessen symptoms.
Did either of your have night sweats? Did the BCP help with them?

03-15-2014, 04:27 PM
I am starting to get night sweats. Period has always been heavy. I haven't talked to my doctor yet. I cannot go on BCP due to migraines so I am just sucking it up. PS I am 42

03-16-2014, 08:37 PM
Did either of your have night sweats? Did the BCP help with them?

I also started BC and it stopped the night sweats. I did have to switch to a stronger pill after about a year as my hormone levels dropped some more.

03-17-2014, 10:00 PM
Did either of your have night sweats? Did the BCP help with them?

Yes, I was getting night sweats and at least 1-2 hot flashes per day. One was epic. I was heading into Costco with the kids and everyone asked if I was ok because of how red and sweaty I was getting. I felt like someone had lit me on fire! I walked back out into the 20 degree weather and peeled off as many layers as I decently could. BCP's have DEFINITELY stopped the night sweats and the hot flashes!!

No I didn't My NP said that the pill worked like hormone replacement and should lessen symptoms.

Yes, yes, and yes!! My symptoms have darn near disappeared!!

I am starting to get night sweats. Period has always been heavy. I haven't talked to my doctor yet. I cannot go on BCP due to migraines so I am just sucking it up. PS I am 42

Interestingly enough, I was getting migraines pretty frequently (at least 3 per month) and for the first two months I only had 1 per month! This month has been a doozy with 2 in 1 week...but I'm pretty sure it was weather related.

I also started BC and it stopped the night sweats. I did have to switch to a stronger pill after about a year as my hormone levels dropped some more.

I worry about this but I'll take whatever relief I can get!

ETA: I am 36 and the LOOKS that people give me when I tell them about the perimenopause are nerve wracking. Because the people I'm telling are my Doctors and Nurses!!! They say that it's impossible because I'm too young. Yeah, tell that to my family history of females with early onset menopause (and interestingly enough long life spans all grandmothers are still alive and my Great Grandmothers died past the 100 year mark...one at 104).

03-24-2014, 02:17 PM
Black Cohosh has helped me with the night sweats/hot flashes. I'm *only* 37, so I understand the early-onset issue!

03-24-2014, 03:40 PM
Black Cohosh has helped me with the night sweats/hot flashes. I'm *only* 37, so I understand the early-onset issue!

This is what my mom took as well and said it definitely helped.