View Full Version : I'm so bored......

03-15-2014, 05:54 PM
So, I finished my certification classes to be a school admin, and I have more free time available, despite working FT as a teacher. And I"m going to say it. I'm bored. I"m just bored! My DS bores me. My DH bores me. I'm bored. I'm so sick of running my son from one thing to the next, and I"m so sick of going to school events where I don't like the other moms much anyway. I just want to take up another certification already so that I can be busy again with classes and not have to think about being supermom now, and earn more money in the long run. People say to spend more time with my son now, but I"m not interested. I want to do something for myself.

03-15-2014, 08:43 PM
I have felt the exact same way, to the letter. Except I didnt want more education; I wanted to run away to California and not worry about anything but doing yoga, working on my tan, and dating hot surfer guys. Real mature, huh? Hopefully that was my midlife (weeklong) crisis. It's a phase and will pass....hang in there (it's still nice to,think about every now and then though :) )

03-15-2014, 08:49 PM
I'm sorry. Can you do something for yourself? Working out, try a new hobby, organize some get togethers with your friends?

03-15-2014, 09:26 PM
When you say you want to take more classes, is it that you want to be making more money? Do you want a new job? Do you feel that you want something to be working towards? If it's the last, would there be any other goals that might help give some definition and purpose? Training for a marathon, or planning a family volunteer trip for the summer, or drafting plans to work on something in your home that's never been quite right?

03-15-2014, 10:50 PM
I know this is a BP so please disregard if it isn't relevant but is there any chance you could be depressed, even seasonally? I know it's been a looooooong winter in a lot of areas of the country and was just talking with some friends the other day about how we all feel extra blah about life right now. I totally get wanting a new goal and something to strive for but it sounds like you may not be enjoying activities you previously liked such as time with your family or other hobbies.

I'd focus on exercise, care for yourself, maybe a visit to your PCP to rule out health issues, and try to find something that rekindles that spark. Maybe it's a family trip or a new activity you can all do together in addition to any career aspirations.