View Full Version : Will you consider pumping because of teething ?

04-08-2014, 07:58 PM
We've been EBF ing for the past 6 months and will start solid pretty soon. DS cut his first tooth when he was 5 1/2 months and just cut his second tooth this week and there has been lots of biting despite of me saying No, pushing his face to my breast and all the other things that are recommended to stop the biting. This biting has been going on for 2 weeks now and I was trying to endure and be patient but I've gotten so sore and scared to nurse him. I'm trying to wait until he's tired enough to nurse him, but he's often will just drink a little and doze off and then when he wakes up he'll nurse and start the biting again :( I EBF my daughter for 14 months and we never had severe biting problem like this, so I'm really lost now :(

My goal is to BF him until he's at least one and I really don't want to wean him off :( but at the same time it really stressed me out with the biting.
I'm not a big fan of pumping, I pump occasionally if I need to be away, which is not often, so I'm debating whether I should start pumping at day time and bottle feed him and continue nursing him at night because he has never bit me so far at night (fingers crossed)

Any suggestion will be so appreciated. Thank you so much.

04-08-2014, 08:39 PM
I never thought to do that! It might help, but I'd be a little concerned that your supply would drop.

Both my children teethed on and bit me, and I would sometimes scream it was so painful. I kept swearing with DS that I couldn't take one more bite and I was going to have to wean, but the teething time does pass--never soon enough, but it does. When DD started biting, I didn't feel so hopeless, because I knew it would pass. I nursed DS until 2.5 and DD is 2 and still nursing.

I'm interested to hear what others have to say, but I think the idea of pumping during the day is a good one, maybe in conjunction with taking some supply boosting herbs like fenugreek. (I like the More Milk Plus drops.) Or you can just stick it out. The biting will stop. I promise.

04-08-2014, 08:46 PM
Pumping is such a PITA that I wouldn't want to do it. Then again, I say this and I actually stopped BFing DS2 at 10 months because he bit me so hard I had blood in my milk for 2 days afterward. But I hated pumping and I just don't think *I* would keep up with it if that was all I was doing. I hope he stops biting you.

04-08-2014, 08:49 PM
I never thought to do that! It might help, but I'd be a little concerned that your supply would drop.

Both my children teethed on and bit me, and I would sometimes scream it was so painful. I kept swearing with DS that I couldn't take one more bite and I was going to have to wean, but the teething time does pass--never soon enough, but it does. When DD started biting, I didn't feel so hopeless, because I knew it would pass. I nursed DS until 2.5 and DD is 2 and still nursing.

I'm interested to hear what others have to say, but I think the idea of pumping during the day is a good one, maybe in conjunction with taking some supply boosting herbs like fenugreek. (I like the More Milk Plus drops.) Or you can just stick it out. The biting will stop. I promise.

That's my main concern too. My breasts feel flat most of the time now but I know that's because they have adjusted and just made the right amount of milk because DS is still gulping away and have adequate wet diapers, but when I pumped, I could barely get much no matter how long I pump. Though I do plan to go back and work out pretty soon and he may need to take a bottle in the morning but that's about it.

My instinct is telling me to just stick it out and keep praying that it will stop and I know it will, gosh...I'm so...so...sore. He must be so miserable with his teething that he often grind his gum together and grind my nipples too. ouch! REALLY ouch!!!!

Thank you 123LuckyMom, you are nursing beyond 2 and I have hope. I wonder if they bite everytime they cut new tooth (oh geez) ? I never had this issue with my DD, she bit me like once or twice and that's about it. But now, DS bit me every single time we nurse at day time!!!!! I actually cried earlier and called DH and told him I'm so scared that I might wean this boy !!! I know every baby is different, but does the biting gets better as they get older or worse ? sigh!

Yes, I'd be interested to see what others have to say or experienced. Thank you.

04-08-2014, 09:22 PM
I was always told that if you were bit to say no and put the child down. No more advice than that though. My kids didn't get teeth til they were almost a year. DS bit me and would not stop biting and didn't want to nurse. But he was 11.5 months and that was the end. He went from nursing 6-7x a day to not at all (ouch!!!). He went straight to a straw cup. DD bit a couple times and I would put her down and walk away and try again later. She weaned down to 2-3 feedings a day and then weaned at 15 months or so.

04-09-2014, 12:19 AM
Ds2 went through a biting phase around 8 months. I watched him closely towards the end of feedings because he tended to bite when his sucking slowed. I kept a finger near his mouth so I could break the latch quickly if he got bitey. I also pumped for a feeding or two on weekends when it was especially bad so I could take a break from it and DH could give him a bottle.

The phase was painful but in retrospect it was short. He's still nursing twice a day at almost 2 and is really gentle most of the time. A few days ago he accidentally bit me for the first time in a very long time. As I yelped he patted me and apologized. "I sowee mama, I sowee!"

05-13-2014, 04:19 PM
Thank you everyone for the comments. I'm glad I decided to stick it out and continue to nurse him full time. The biting has kinda stopped. He may bite every now and then when he's tired and I'm trying to nurse him.

05-13-2014, 05:12 PM
Thank you everyone for the comments. I'm glad I decided to stick it out and continue to nurse him full time. The biting has kinda stopped. He may bite every now and then when he's tired and I'm trying to nurse him.

I'm so glad! It's a horrible phase, but it is a phase, so it's great that you felt able to stick with it and are happy with your decision!

05-13-2014, 05:15 PM
Glad to see things have improved a bit. I too read that applying a bit of orajel a little before a nursing session helps to numb the teething pain and hopefully lessen the frequency of biting.

05-18-2014, 11:15 PM
I'dstill bf...BUT I'd help like a cat who's tail was stepped on and say NO! Worked for me-she bit me once and that was it. Say no every time and remove the food source. Baby will get the drift.