View Full Version : Anyone want to try to diagnose this?

04-29-2014, 04:56 PM
This morning I had an "episode" of some sort. (Some TMI follows.) I was crampy and felt like I needed to go to the bathroom. (AF arrived yesterday but it didn't seem like AF cramps.) I kinda of ignored it to get DD2 ready for school. Had a few minutes to go to the bathroom, but nothing happened. By that point I thought I would pass out, had cold sweats (dripping!) but was so hot I almost took off all my clothes, was white as a sheet, felt like I would puke and had to lay down on the bathroom floor. I managed to get myself together enough to sit in the kitchen and have DD2 finish everything for school and get her out to the bus.

I was feeling a little better, managed to actually go to the bathroom which didn't improve things as much as I expected, and was able to get DD1 off to school. I've been completely fine the rest of the day.

I had had a little bit of coffee but no food yet, which is my normal routine. I had a few scoops of oatmeal to see if it was just low blood sugar but it didn't help.

It was totally weird. The only other time I've ever had something like that happen was in the middle of the night, before my mom's funeral about 6 years ago. I thought I had food poisoning, was laying on the bathroom floor cramping, sweating and shaking. It was horrible. The next day I was fine, and no one else who had eaten the same thing as me became ill.

Sooooo... anyone want to take a shot at this?

04-29-2014, 05:26 PM
Could it be an ovarian cyst that burst? I've had an episode like that before and never knew what it was, but that's what I suspect. Hope you feel better!

04-29-2014, 08:13 PM
So sorry. I've also had episodes like this and have had a lot of testing to find out what it is to no avail. Possibilities that were raised for me were ovarian cyst, kidney stone, gallbladder, IBS. I'd track it in a calendar and see if it repeats and what precedes it (stress, what you ate, TOM, etc).

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04-29-2014, 08:42 PM
Sounds like episodes I used to have when my IBS was at its worst. Gas can cause horrible cramping, and other weird Seemingly unrelated symptoms. If that had happened to me, I would have chalked it up to gas (&/or digestive issues)+low blood sugar combo. Ugh....it's a terrible feeling. Glad you're feeling a little better!