View Full Version : Not sure how to feel...

05-10-2014, 05:01 PM
Haven't been around in a while. This place was always great for getting different perspectives, so here I am.

Found out yesterday, via mass email and phone message, that an after-school teacher in the program my children attend every day after school had been arrested, for allegedly attempting to solicit a minor online. Through talking to a few people, we quickly found out which teacher, and he was my older son's after-school teacher. My son and his friend (5th graders) really liked this teacher. Some days, after a full school day and almost 3 hours in after-care, my son would still want to stay and finish a game they were playing. He seemed like a good young man and I was happy that he was kind of a role model for the boys, and he was interested in things they liked, like chess and computers. He was helping them design their own video game.

We know none of the specifics of the charges. I would like to know what age group and gender of minor he was targeting, because I'd like to believe that while he may have done something inappropriate, he was not interested in these young kids he was trusted to teach and supervise. I feel fairly confident that there just was not significant opportunity for him to do anything inappropriate with any of the kids, as his classroom was directly across from the director's office, and parents can, and do, pick up at anytime between 3pm and 6pm. I asked DS a series of questions, including had he ever seen any of the teachers in the restroom (I believe the teachers are all supposed to use different restrooms from the kids), as I was thinking that might be one of the few places where something inappropriate could happen. I asked him everything I could think of as far as had he ever felt uncomfortable, anything inappropriate, etc. Unfortunately the rumor mill at school had already gotten the word around that his teacher had been arrested - I would have liked to ask him the questions before he heard that.

We met with the principal and the after school program director within hours of receiving the news. I expected to see a line of anxious worried parents there, yet we were the only ones. The message came about noon, maybe some people didn't get the message until later. Overall, my gut tells me nothing happened to my son. However I feel like a zombie. After I talked to the school, asked my son all the questions, I just felt exhausted. I still do. I just feel generally upset but not sure specifically what I am upset about. Part of it is I hate that I had to ask my son those questions and that he knows now his teacher wasn't someone he could trust. He seems fine, both last night and today, but I don't know if he is upset and just not showing it.

So just wondering how other people think they might feel in this situation, am I overreacting, have I done and asked everything I should? Thanks for any input you can offer, and for reading this.

05-10-2014, 05:40 PM
oh goodness. i would feel the same-- instantly paranoid! i would be afraid of leading my child into saying something, but i'm sure , like you, i'd have SO many questions.

i think you did the best you could. it's possible your child has questions still, or might later, or maybe they just don't think about it like you do (my child certainly wouldn't, but she is six). i'd just be open and as honest as you can be, (age appropriate of course), if your son comes to you.

that is really hard. be easy on your self!

05-10-2014, 05:41 PM
Deep breath. It is hard to hear someone you trusted might be a pedophile. I have BTDT with my childhood priest. It is numbing and horrifying at the same time.

I would wait and see before panicking . In our case the priest was guilty but he never (apparently ) took advantage of children in his own area. I also do think that it will make a difference to know of he was soliciting pubescent kids vs elementary aged.

I hope it was all an awful misunderstanding.

05-10-2014, 06:13 PM
I'd be taking DS to a therapist to have someone with experience ask questions.

05-10-2014, 07:05 PM
I would feel the same as you! Scary stuff!

05-10-2014, 07:28 PM
Is the school district offering any counseling, for students or families? That could be helpful. I also would be wondering if there was going to be an investigation at the school. These are questions for the admin. Hugs, I would be a stress case as well.

05-10-2014, 07:28 PM
If your child seems okay, I'm sure he is okay. You've asked him questions and let him know you're open to hearing anything he has to tell you. The school might do some follow-up.

The fact that the teacher has been arrested does not necessarily mean your child, or any child at the school, was in danger. I would also be terrified. I'm not downplaying your concern. I do think, though, that you can do more damage by continuing to question than by just being supportive. My greatest concern would be, not that my child had been molested, which, thank God, seems not to be the case, but that someone your son trusted and liked has possibly turned out to be a "bad guy." Your son may feel disillusioned and like he cannot trust his own judgment. If you have the opportunity to combat that danger, maybe by using an example from your own life about being disillusioned yourself but being able to move past it, that might be helpful. I'd watch for signs of trouble and be ready to seek help, but at this point, I think you're all okay.

05-10-2014, 07:45 PM
I'm sorry. I would be worried too. I hope the school is able to provide some answers and appropriate personnel to field questions from parents.

I would not ask DS any additional questions. If there's a chance he saw something or whatever, you don't want your questioning to prevent him from being a good witness. If it's necessary, let the experts handle it.

05-10-2014, 08:46 PM
A similar thing happened to me with a tennis instructor that I took classes from for a couple of sessions. He taught friends' kids too and they apparently loved him. Have you googled his name? I googled and was able to find the pdf of the police report which actually made me feel better about it because the bottom line was that he "only" attempted to solicit a minor online (caught by police impersonator). My gut was that nothing actually happened with any of the kids he taught.

It's a shock though and there's all sorts of queasy reactions that go along with it. Thank goodness it sounds like he was caught before anything happened. Definitely use it as a teaching moment and answer your DS's questions honestly. Probably a good opportunity to remind him of appropriate vs inappropriate behavior.

Sorry about the news:(

05-10-2014, 09:39 PM
Since DS already had heard the news, I would start by telling him the truth of what's known, vs rumors. I'd also ask him if he had any questions for me. He probably is confused, and listening, or letting hi know you're their to answer questions, would probably be comforting. Ugh, what an awful thing to deal with.

05-11-2014, 10:11 PM
Thank you for your input and support. I appreciate it.