View Full Version : Newbie to writing a letter of recommendation - any advice?

03-10-2015, 08:02 PM
I have been asked to write a letter of recommendation for a wonderful teacher who is applying for a high level administration position at the school. I have never written a letter of recommendation before for anyone. Any advice or tips? Any do's and don'ts? I do think she would be fantastic for the position she is applying, and I want to write the best letter I can.


03-10-2015, 08:28 PM
Be as specific as you can (while respecting privacy, of course). If you can provide a concrete example of when she showed skill A, do so. Metrics also are helpful but more difficult in education--she didn't increase sales by X%, and crediting for improved test scores is tricky. But if you have any numbers, use them.

But the most important thing is the same as what we say for praising our kids--focus on the specifics rather than vague general praise. She is an excellent Xer because she does W, Y, and Z.

Sorry, I'm not sure how helpful that is. I'm sure she will appreciate whatever you can write for her!

03-10-2015, 08:37 PM
Of course your advice is helpful! I will try to focus on specifics and specific examples.

Thank you!

03-10-2015, 11:03 PM
I read (and write) a lot of letters.....

Spend the first paragraph explaining how you know the person you are writing the letter for: how long you've known them, in what capacity, and any background on yourself that helps you convey why you are qualified to comment on their skills and attributes.

Then, write 2-3 paragraphs explaining what traits are unique to the individual that make them ideally suited for the job they want. Use specific examples. I highly recommend bolding important phrases that you really want people to read. I read hundreds of letters each year, and this really helps. I cannot read every word of every letter. Bolding helps draw the eye to the take-home point (worked in this post, right?) Don't bold entire sentences, just key phrases (4-5 tops, or it gets distracting.

Use adjectives that are specific, highly complimentary, but not too effusive (or it seems fake).

Conclude by summarizing your points, and offer to have them contact you should they have any additional questions. Provide an email or cell for this purpose.

Good luck!