View Full Version : OCD in a very young child

12-12-2015, 08:23 PM
DS1 turns 5 very soon. We have OCD in the family (parent, grandparent), and he has long shown some minor OCD type behaviors so I am not surprised at all. But I have noticed things flaring up a little bit, and I am really not sure what to do. He seems so young. I wouldn't even know how to begin to talk with him about it, or what the next steps should be. Anyone BTDT?

12-12-2015, 08:36 PM
5 is not too young to talk to a cognative behavior therapist. My daughter had some visits with a therapist at that age that helped her be able to understand when her anxieties were irrational. It was helpful, and after about 5 sessions, the therapist said "come back if she's having trouble" because she was in a better place by then. Which was not entirely due to the therapy - but my point is, seeing a therapist does not = committing to weekly visits for life.

12-13-2015, 01:08 AM
I recommend the book "What to do when your brain Gets Stuck" by Dawn Huebner. You can read it yourself and use it as a springboard to talk to him if you think he's too young to do the workbook. It's really helpful with putting big scary concepts in easy words to discuss. All of her workbooks are great.

12-18-2015, 03:09 PM
I saw this on my phone when you initially posted, but I did not have a chance to reply. I don't think 5 is too young. I was not formally diagnosed until I was 16, but I have memories of obsessions and compulsions as far back as young childhood. I really wish my parents had recognized it and sought treatment sooner. I think school would have been so much easier for me. :( I would begin by talking to a therapist who specializes in children with OCD. Also, I recommend being understanding with your son's obsessions and compulsions. The thoughts and actions are not simply things that a person can "stop" at will. You probably already know this though, since you have OCD in your family. :)

12-18-2015, 03:41 PM
A family friend's son was diagnosed with OCD around age 5 so I don't think it's too young. He had a few topics that he fixated on and he was virtually incapable of talking about or focusing on anything else, especially if he was feeling any sort of stress. They went to a psychologist, he had therapy sessions and he was eventually medicated for OCD and anxiety.