View Full Version : Kindergarten assessment

08-21-2016, 03:48 PM
DC just started kindergarten at a public school. They already did individual Brigance screenings before school started, and we were just told each K student will soon have an individual assessment. For those familiar with kindergarten assessments, any idea what this next assessment will be - or what it will be assessing? Thanks.

08-21-2016, 04:02 PM
No idea. Ours just talked with the kids, asked a few questions like asking them to count or identify letters. Nothing exciting. I never really asked much about it since I trust our school.

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08-21-2016, 04:26 PM
Dibels, I assume. Many schools have their own testing, too.

08-21-2016, 04:52 PM
virginia uses PALS to assess reading and writing, it continues through at least second grade

08-21-2016, 05:17 PM
Probably just looking at basic skills, how many letters and sounds they know, how high do they count, can they print their name, letters, numbers, do they read at all, how do they handle scissors etc. Our K program grouped kids for reading readiness, DS, through no extra effort from me, was already reading entering K and he was in a group with a few others who were also already reading. It's probably informal testing. Your school website should list any of the standardized tests they do, although for K there aren't too many and not usually this early.

08-21-2016, 05:57 PM
If they use Dibels, it will assess how quickly they can name the capital and lower case letters. It will see if they can segment words into syllables, and it will assess if they can identify beginning sounds (for example "moon, what is the first sound you hear in moon?" They would say mmmm, not name the letter). The middle of year and end of year have them reading nonsense words in addition to these things, but it does not test that at the starts of the year. These are all things we practice in the classroom the first few weeks of school, so that when the child tests, they will be familiar with what we are asking them to do. Often times the beginning of year can be a bit low as the kids are shy, or unsure of what they are being asked to do. That is ok. You want to show growth, and need to show that middle of year and end of year are higher. This test has to be done within the first month of school, but most do it the second week or so.

My district doesn't have a formal math assessment until the end of 1st quarter. That one has them counting to 100, recognizing numbers to 100 (although I think only to 20 the first time), and counting an assortment in an arranged pattern and in an assorted pattern, and recognizing which number is bigger (with numbers up to 20).

08-21-2016, 06:10 PM
I don't know the names of the specific tests but all 4 of mine had a kindergarten assessment when they signed up. They had to attempt to write their name identify capital & lower case letters numbers and some basic site words. DS1 is 24 & DS4 is 7 They also do an assessment the first week of 1st ( I remember that one better) They had to read the basic 100 sight words then had the K, 1,2 &3 grade site word lists it asses the reading groups they were placed in

08-21-2016, 10:29 PM
My advice at this point, don't worry too much and don't make a big deal about with your child. This is your first child in school I believe, there are so many tests/assessments and other than making sure they are well rested and have a good breakfast, and you don't plan a big vacation right when they are testing (more for the later grades), it will be fine. Schools now do so much diagnostic testing and evaluating all the time, but to the kids it doesn't seem like a big deal.