View Full Version : Breastfeeding and Nuvaring?

10-26-2016, 06:58 AM
Anyone used NuvaRing as birth control while breastfeeding? DD is 15 months and drinks regular milk just fine so I'm not concerned about it affecting supply. I'm currently using the minipill, but I just got my period back last month. I'm not the best at remembering to take the pill at the same time each day, so I figured I'd switch to something more reliable. However, I was just reading the package insert on the NuvaRing, and it says not to use it while breastfeeding. I know that normal hormonal birth control (like pills) is considered safe while nursing, and I thought this worked the same. I also know that tons of medications say not to use while breastfeeding just because it's not well-tested, not because it's likely dangerous. I'll ask my doctor too but I've found most of my docs to be fairly unhelpful when it comes to breastfeeding safety... Anyone with experience?


10-26-2016, 10:54 AM
Any combination hormonal birth control "may" affect supply. Then again, there's plenty of incidental reports of progesterone-only birth control doing the same thing.

It is assumed that Nuvaring and other "non-pill" hormonal options should affect supply less, but I don't know that I've read any actual studies. I have been out of my lactation consulting classes for a few years, so I haven't looked at recent studies.

However, all this is pointless since you aren't worried about supply. Then, you need to consider the amount of hormone your child would get from the hormones that make your way into your milk. Again, I've been out of school for this for 4 years, so I don't remember the actual numbers, but the basic feeling is that it's safe. Nuvaring is absorbed more locally vs systemically, so there's lower concentrations in your blood. Lower concentrations in your blood means even less in your milk. And then we're talking about a maybe-20-pound 15-month old versus a 10-pound 6-week-old.... The milk she's ingesting at 15 months is likely to be less--both in frequency and actual amounts--meaning she's bigger, getting less, and the hormones are already pretty minute in your milk.

Personally, I'd be completely fine with it. Of course, it's your call though, and different people have different comfort levels!

10-26-2016, 03:41 PM
Thank you! This is what I was looking for! Yes, I was concerned about DD's safety, not supply. Nothing is perfect, but this seems pretty safe. Thanks!