View Full Version : Penzeys $50 gift cards for $35 & more

12-04-2019, 11:22 AM
Through today, Penzeys is offering $50 gift cards for $35.
In addition, there is a free Choose Love 5 spice set for free on orders over $100, a free cinnamon sugar using code 11855C and many other specials.
I purchased four $50 gift cards, Choose Love 5 jar gift box, cinnamon sugar, trial Greek seasoning, trial Florida seasoned pepper, trial pasta sprinkle, trial Penzeys curry, trial Penzeys pepper for $146.06.
Happy shopping! https://www.penzeys.com (https://www.penzeys.com/online-catalog/%2450-penzeys-gift-card-for-%2435.00/c-24/p-3129/pd-s?utm_source=marketo&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=12-04-19%2035%20Gift%20Card%20STORE%20CST&mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiTWpZeVltVmxNelF5WlRjNCIsInQiOiIwK0 htYkxQV2RVZ2ZkT2REemNaQ0I0MkhocFdUQXVHK1Z2ZjUxSW9w enBRQ2krOGRSb08wMGw5cnNUMjMySGFCXC9HK3ZZb2JpTk9UdF VHbldTWXBENVhPWDhnTXdcL0pBZmxXM0U2TEJkZTBsbm9NUFJQ VGFiZ0h3WTZmNldtZVdYIn0%3D)

12-04-2019, 12:03 PM
Their Joy of Cinnamon mini gift boxes are $7.95. I've gifted these before for the teachers at daycare. This year I bought for neighbor gifts.