After a lifetime of having a decidedly unremarkable bustline, once I got pregnant, I figured "aha! here's my chance!". No dice--even though my bras no longer fit, even the smallest offering of maternity bras was too large for me (*sigh*). I tried on regular bras in larger sizes, but they didn't work well either (hard to find the right combo of measurement and cup size). BUT a friend of mine gave me this marvellous (and money-saving) tip: bra-back extenders, which are little bits of fabric with a set of hooks and maybe 4 more sets of eyes. You hook them onto your current bra and they can nicely accommodate an expanding ribcage if the breasts themselves are not changing dramatically in size (or if your current bras are made of a stretchy fabric). She had bought hers at a maternity shop (price unknown) but I found mine at a fabric store for all of $1.29.