The oldest kid in our playgroup (which is really just a mommy group since our DC are all so young!) just turned 2 and is a bully to all the other children. At group last week (which was at my house) she accosted DD several times. First, 2yo was sitting on the couch and DD went up to play with her..DD (almost 15 mos) was on the floor with her face at the edge of the couch looking up at 2yo trying to play. 2yo decides she doesn't want DD bothering her and promptly KICKS HER IN THE FACE!!!! I was LIVID!!! I pulled DD away and moved on (while 2yo mother said nothing...), but then I took DD into the kitchen and 2yo followed asking for a cookie or something...I turned to fill DD's cup and when I came to give it to her 2yo was pushing DD to the ground! My DD went "splat" on our HARD tile floor! I LOST IT! It was completely unprovoked and 2yo just ATTACKED DD!!!!!!!! I said, "No, J_____! You do not HIT!" and pulled DD away. 2yo's mother came rushing into the kitchen, grabbed up her child, packed up her things, and LEFT! She was apparently very angry at me for yelling at her daughter.....but this wasn't an isolated incident with her child! We went to play at their house once and DD came home LITERALLY with bruises and scratches ALL OVER! at one point 2yo threw my DD down a step onto her head! FOR NO REASON. I thought it was understandable when she pushed another kid down when they were going for the same toy...but to just walk up to a kid who is minding their own business, grab them by the throat (scratching their neck and drawing BLOOD in the process), and throw them down is just RIDICULOUS to me (she actually did this to DD). I don't know what to do. I know some of the other moms are concerned, but how do we approach this mother without making her feel attacked? Why would a child do stuff like this? I just don't get it! I am actually considering leaving the group...but I really don't want to....what should I do????