I just love your book and am so grateful to you for writing it and having this message board. I have no pregnant friends and these ladies here have given me such valuable information. I would have made totally wrong/different decisions on baby gear had I not found the information here from these veteran moms.

That said, being a NYC mom to be, I was all set to go with the standard Peg Perego Venezia and Maclaren Techno when I started to really research other strollers. Why should I just get what everyone else has???? I've noticed that babies under 12 months do not look comfortable in their Macs. They slump over. After that observation, I ruled the Macs out. The Venezia I love, but am thinking it might be too much of a stroller for me. What is next, well automatically the next choice would be a Pliko.

I would have bought the Pliko immediately in the store just on looks alone. I love the stroller. But I've found out from veteran moms here that the steering is not great and one handed is impossible. Most moms over 5'6 tend to kick the back of the stroller while walking. Had it not been for these wonderful women you have here, I would have never heard of the Chicco 2002 Deluxe which is supposed to mirror the Pliko. I haven't seen one in person yet, but I'm assuming it's exactly like the Pliko the way the Mamma Highchair is like the Pappa.

So what I'm suggesting to you?? Could you update your Urban Mom Stroller Section to include other options. 99% of NYC moms get a Kolcraft Carseat carrier, a Peg Perego Milano/Venezia then a Mac Techno. But the other 1% of us would like something different. I've seen a lot of Plikos, Planets, Easy Evos, Zoopers on the streets. Most people, as ignorant as this sounds but is true, just see what you recommend and purchase it because it says "this is what you need in your city situation". I've heard from several NYC mom's who purchased the standard recommended strollers and now are looking for something else. That only leads to owning approximately four strollers before you've found what you really only needed and wanted in one.

With internet access, many moms don't mind purchasing a stroller site unseen based on recommendations by trusted veteran moms. I believe you really need to include more information on the Chicco 2002 Deluxe, Inglesina Planet, Easy and Zippy, Zooper Z and Buddy strollers. They are options that would work for NYC moms who want to purchase one good quality stroller.

Thanks again for listening to my suggestion and for all the good advise you have given me.
