My 29 month DD needs to be PT by mid-Jan for preschool and so we have be somewhat successful with PT so far...although these days she seems to be getting jealous of time I spend with her little sister (9 months)and will tell me she has to pee, insists I take her, and then sits on the potty with no pee coming out. I swear she is doing it to just spend time with me...this is understandble and okay at home once or twice but it is getting to be too often and I am going nuts. Then she did this twice today when we were out for lunch and dinner and insisted she had to poo/pee and there I was holding her over the toilet seat(all the tissue paper I had laid down had fallen off) and no pee/poo. I got so mad at her and half the restaurant was staring at this crazy mom telling her 29 month old to "not lie to her about having to pee"...what a bad mom I am..

How do the rest of you keep your patience?! Why am I like this?