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  1. #1
    Shane Guest

    Default ABC and Counting Video Recommendations

    I'm looking for what fellow parents would recommend for ABC and Counting Videos. I have seen positive reviews for Brainy Baby and Richard Scarry videos on Amazon. Any recommendations?

  2. #2
    brubeck Guest

    Default RE: ABC and Counting Video Recommendations

    My daughter is completely into Sesame Street and she loves their Alphabet Jungle and Great Numbers Game DVDs. These are basically stories (starring Elmo, Telly and Zoe) that incorporate cartoons from the Sesame Street show about all of the letters and the numbers from 1 to 20. It's pretty entertaining and she loves it. The bonus is that I can bear to listen to them OVER and OVER again. :-)

  3. #3
    lums123 Guest

    Default RE: ABC and Counting Video Recommendations

    We love Jumpstart's Toddler software -- the classic CD is only $10 and IMHO is the best. We got it from a friend, who loaned it around to several of us, and all of us were initially skeptical but amazed at how good this stuff is. It also teaches kids how to use computer keyboards and mouse control. My toddler already knew his letters, but he still loves playing with this software, and it's still educational even at that stage. Several friends say their kids learned their letters that way.

    Jay Jay the Jetplane's The Counting Game video definitely got my son interested in numbers.

  4. #4
    MarinaTwinMom Guest

    Default RE: ABC and Counting Video Recommendations

    Try "Sesame Street Learning About Letters." My twins LOVE this video, and I can't recommend it highly enough.

    My kids had speech delays, but they learned the entire alphabet ... and could identify their letters ... within a couple of months of my buying this video. They weren't even 2 1/2 yet. (We did other things with them, too, including working with alphabet blocks and an alphabet puzzle. The video really got them enthused about learning their letters, though.)

  5. #5
    T Garcia Guest

    Default RE: ABC and Counting Video Recommendations

    When my dd was 18m we bought Richard Scarry's Counting, ABCs, Busy People and Learning Songs - and she enjoyed for several YEARS! Now my second dd loves these stories just as much. A classic. These are fabulous videos (or DVDs) that parents and kids will both love. They are a great combo with Richard Scarry's "Best Word Book Ever" which is an absolute must-have. We give it for baby gifts!

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