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  1. #1
    ajweeks Guest

    Default 3-wheel scooter for a tall 3.75 yr. old?


    I'm hoping to get some suggestions on 3-wheel scooters. I have a tall (44") 3.75 yr. old, and I would like to get him a scooter for Christmas. It seems that a lot of the preschool scooters are very small. Does anyone have a favorite?



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    Default RE: 3-wheel scooter for a tall 3.75 yr. old?

    We got the Razor Kiddie Kick Jr. Scooter. It has an adjustable handlebar and works great! Comes in pink & blue. Got good reviews on the KB toys website:

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2011


    What kind of electric scooters are allowed in Disneyland? Does it have to be 3 or 4 wheels or can it be two? We have a Handicapped parking permit, but my aunt is out of work and has no insurance to very little or whatever to get a $1,000 one. We were looking into the $100-200 ones but my guess is they wouldn't be allowed there right? They are 2 wheeled ones.

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