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  1. #1
    paigepea Guest

    Default sand/water table question - i've missed the other posts

    I came to this site to ask for recommendations on a sand/water table. I'd love to get one for dd for the summer months.

    I guess this board has seen a lot of these types of posts, but if you could indulge me i'd love to hear about some recommendations.

    thanks in advance!


  2. #2
    SnuggleBuggles is online now Black Diamond level (25,000+ posts)
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    Default RE: sand/water table question - i've missed the other posts

    We have really liked our Step 2 Naturally Playful sand and water table. For the price it seems really good. It has a cover, an umbrella, and then lots of extras come with it (boats, shovels, other accessories).

    There have been some threads over on the Around the House baby boards if you need more ideas. :)


  3. #3
    elliput's Avatar
    elliput is offline Diamond level (5000+ posts)
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    On a hill near a lake

    Default RE: sand/water table question - i've missed the other posts

    I have the Step2 Naturally Playful Sand & Water Activity Center and definitely recommend it.
    A few things I like about it:
    - the lid is secure and can be used as a table for matchbox cars.
    - the umbrella is big enough and tall enough I can sit on a chair under it.
    - I like being able to mix the sand and water to make mudpies and sandcastles (what fun is dry sand?). I don't mind when DD pours sand into the water either, it is a great sensory experience.
    - it was quick and easy to put the legs on, though I do recommend using a power screwdriver.
    DD 1/05
    DS 9/08

    Since one just does not simply walk into Mordor, I say we form a conga line and dance our way in.
    Excuse me, are you in a play​?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2005


    we have the one from target and it works well. But I prefer to just have water in it. The combo = moldy sand in my experience last summer...
    Margaret and
    (DS 2/06) and (DD 3/08)

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