I just discovered DS's 3rd bday party (in March) is scheduled for the same time as one of his classmates's. I'm having a really tough time finding an alternate venue/activity that
1) isn't booked or
2) doesn't conflict with another bday party or
3) doesn't conflict with DS's naptime.
As it makes no sense to reschedule from one conflicting party to another, the only place I have any latitude would be with DS's nap. I just feel like it's his party so it should be at a time that is good for him, not at a time that I have to wake him up from his nap. I'm being very flexible on dates, (I'm pretty much open to any time during March) and openminded about locations, but I'm striking out.

The other mom said not to change our party on her account. Should I just stick with what I've got?
