I'm struggling right now with weight gain. I weaned my boys at 13 months, and now, almost four months later I've gained around 6 lbs., and am 8 lbs. over my pre-pregnancy weight. I have a pretty small frame, so every lb. shows. My clothes are getting tight and I can definitely see the "extra" on my belly, especially. It probably doesn't help that I still have milk, my breasts are still at least a cup and maybe 2 sizes bigger than they were. I'm still wearing a nursing bra, because I haven't had time to get new ones, and my size is hard to find. I just feel unfit and jiggly, and fear that I will continue to gain unless I can make some changes.

I guess I know why I'm gaining: I have no time to exercise, other than walks to the park (and the boys are starting to act out in the stroller, so that limits our walking), and an occasional yoga class. I used to walk several miles each day and take several classes each week. And, I'm falling into the habit of snacking on the boys' leftover food. And, I probably am still eating too many calories from the good old days of nursing.

I also work 3 days a week, but have no time those days to exercise, other than walking to work from the subway station (about a 20 minute walk, but downhill on the way home).

Ack, has anybody faced this and what helped?