After a difficult but relatively short labor and delivery on October 8, 2003 Dallin arrived into this world...peeing on everyone in his path! LOL!
My water broke at exactly midnight. We drove 45 minutes to the hospital and unfortunately I was only dialated to a 1. I had to wait for my epidural. After a couple of hours the back labor was so intense I was given Nuban, but it didn't do anything except make me incoherant. I stood in the shower fighting to keep my head up for another hour while the anastesiologist was called. I don't really remember the epidural, but I know it helped because I was able to sleep. I was checked a few hours later and was at a 9. 15 minutes later Dallin's head was crowning, but my pushing was "ineffective" so they decided to turn my epidural off. I knew he was posterier and kept telling the nurses he was stuck and I needed help, but they just said I didn't know how to push. After 2 more hours I called the murse at the front desk in horrible pain (no more epidural)and told her I needed to get him out NOW. She came in and was shocked to ind his head RIGHT THERE. It had been there for hours. She had me push on my hands and knees for a couple of minutes and called the OB. The OB put a vacuum on Dallin's head and I pushed for 5 minutes and he was out. I was mad they didn't listen to me earlier. All I needed was the vacuum!!! Anyway, I had a second degree tear, but it could have been worse. He was born at 11:40 AM. He is such a good boy and we are so happy that he is finally here!
Dallin Todd 10-08-03
7 pounds
19 1/2 inches