Announcing the arrival of DD. I was due 10/4, but started having regular contractions 9/25. They were every 5 min for an hour, and then petered out. We went to the hospital, and I was sent home; I was only 1 cm. I felt so foolish, but warned them I'd be back the next day, and I was. I arrived 24 hours later 8 cm. I got my epidural, and bascially hung out for a few hours waiting to finish dilating and for baby to descend more. They broke my water, and turns out there was a lot of meconium in there. Blech. By about 3 am I tried a few pushes, but she still hadn't descended much, so we decided to wait a little longer. However, by about 4 am, DD's heart rate started dropping dramatically with each contraction (into the 50's). They took me to c/s immediately. I couldn't believe how quickly she was out. Impressive. she ended up having the cord around her neck, and when they pulled her out, she was green from all the meconium. She's fine, though. They had a really hard time putting me back together, though. Trouble controlling bleeding and suturing. I was in the OR for 3 hours. She was born at 5:17 am 9/27, but I didn't get to hold her until noon. I was pretty wrecked.

But we're home and doing great. So much easier the 2nd time. Mainly the nursing. Since I know what I'm doing now, and knew when to ask for help when still in the hospital, it made a HUGE difference. Still hard to move around a little, but I'm taking less pain meds each day.

Anyone with a c/s know when you can use a Baby Bjorn? I'm afraid to use it now...

DS (2 yrs, 8 mos) is doing great. He holds her, hugs her, kisses her, and SPONTANEOUSLY comforts her when she cries. It's amazing. I mean, I think he actually has empathy. Incredible. The past week and a half I feel like I've missed him so much. I was away from him while in the hospital, but even now, DH pretty much does everything with him since I'm with the Baby. I end up feeling guilty and I just really miss him. Last night I finally ventured upstairs and got to cuddle with him in his bed, so that felt more normal.

Anyway, got to fold some baby laundry.... (between poop and spit up, 5 outfits in one day!!)