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  1. #1
    bfranc Guest

    Default transition to crib

    Hi! My DD is 4 weeks old and has been sleeping beautifuly in her swing day and night. My ped is encouraging me to transition her to the crib and she is NOT interested. She can be sound asleep and wakes up minutes after she is put in the crib. We have the flannel sheets for warmth and she HATES been swaddled so that won't help either. We don't even need to have the swing on to get her to sleep (we have the Fisher Price Aquarium swing), I think its that she just likes being cozy. I was thinking of trying a sleep positioner or the blanket rolls to see if that helps.
    What I would love to know is at what age did you all have success transitioning from bassinet/swing to crib. I have a feeling I am trying this a bit early but just wanted to check!

  2. #2
    audys Guest

    Default RE: transition to crib

    Hi Barb,

    I think babies can switch to the crib at any age (including newborn). We moved my son from bassinet to crib at 2 months of age (he started to press his face against the quilted side of the bassinet).

    Have you tried a Sleep Sack?( My son also hated to be swaddled but loved these.

    FYI - the SIDS alliance recommends against sleep positioners, etc.(

    Good luck with the transition! Take care,

    Audrey, mother to Graham

  3. #3
    jillylane Guest

    Default RE: transition to crib

    Barb, my daughter (now 11 weeks old) slept in her infant seat. From her birth, she would not sleep flat on her back, or swaddled, and seemed to like the security of the infant seat.

    For the first month, we put her infant seat in her co-sleeper, which was attached to our bed. Then we moved it into her crib, in her own room, until last week.

    Our pediatrician said it wasn't harmful while she was young. Based on what I read in Marc Weissbluth's "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child," I decided that we needed to aim for transitioning her to getting out of sleeping in the infant seat sometime around 2 months old.

    Weissbluth says that it's really not possible to form bad habits in a child less than 2 or 3 months old, but recommends establishing good habits and a sleep routine by the time they're around 4 months old. So the 2-month to 4-month window is what we're working on.

    The transition out of the infant seat and directly into her crib, which started last Friday, is working pretty well. She sometimes fusses for 10 or 15 minutes at first, and I go in to soothe her, without picking her up. But sometimes she just goes right to sleep as soon as I put her down.

    For her, I think it was a matter of waiting until she was old enough so that she didn't feel the need to be "embraced" by the infant swing. When she was younger, she would flail around when laid flat on her back in the crib, like she thought she was falling.

    Good luck!


  4. #4
    jillylane Guest

    Default RE: transition to crib

    Audrey, I love Sleep Sacks. I worried about using a blanket for my daughter, as I would obsess about her pulling it up over her face and suffocating herself. (That's just how my brain works.) :)

    So the Sleep Sack is perfect. No blankets to worry about!

  5. #5
    momofzoe Guest

    Default RE: transition to crib

    >Hi! My DD is 4 weeks old and has been sleeping beautifuly in
    >her swing day and night. My ped is encouraging me to
    >transition her to the crib and she is NOT interested. She can
    >be sound asleep and wakes up minutes after she is put in the
    >crib. We have the flannel sheets for warmth and she HATES
    >been swaddled so that won't help either. We don't even need
    >to have the swing on to get her to sleep (we have the Fisher
    >Price Aquarium swing), I think its that she just likes being
    >cozy. I was thinking of trying a sleep positioner or the
    >blanket rolls to see if that helps.
    >What I would love to know is at what age did you all have
    >success transitioning from bassinet/swing to crib. I have a
    >feeling I am trying this a bit early but just wanted to check!

    Wow..I'm in the same 5 week old daughter sleeps more in her fisher price aquarium swing than in her crib, she wakes up every time I put her in her crib (which is a shame coz the crib is pretty PRICEY!) Now Im worried that her body might not develop well (since she's in a somewhat upright position, limiting her movements) and that the swinging motion might affect her in some way ( I get dizzy just by watching her)

  6. #6
    racheller Guest

    Default RE: transition to crib

    My DD is 8 weeks old and I started the transition of moving her from sleeping in her infant seat to the crib last night and she slept onlly 5 hours. She was previously sleeping between 6-8 hours in her infant seat. How long do you think it will take to get her back to 8 hours of sleep in the crib?

    We also let her sleep in her swing during the day. It is so convenient and she sleeps well in it, especially when she is struggling to fall asleep. Does anyone have thoughts on how long a baby can healthily sleep in the swing - past 3 months?


  7. #7

    Default RE: transition to crib

    >Audrey, I love Sleep Sacks. I worried about using a blanket
    >for my daughter, as I would obsess about her pulling it up
    >over her face and suffocating herself. (That's just how my
    >brain works.) :)
    >So the Sleep Sack is perfect. No blankets to worry about!

  8. #8

    Default RE: transition to crib

    >I wanted to respond to the comments on sleep transition/sleep sacks.
    I just purchased a sleep sack for my baby and she loves it. When we travel to grandma's, I just roll her bed up and I don't have to worry about taking a playpen, etc. It is designed to be warm enough to take camping, with a removable down comforter in the fleece sack. I can't wait to try camping again! I bought it at Grace

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