OK, besides a potentially teething 12 wk old (for some reason...I am still skeptical until I see some white show through...), we seem to have a baby that rolls and shifts in his sleep. The last several nights now, DS has woken up and we discover him sideways or upside down from how we laid him down. An arm or two may be out of the swaddle also. One time we kept a crack open in the door to watch what was going on (no video monitor), and DS lifts up his legs, does a half roll in his swaddle (can't roll over yet), and this shifts his position a little. He keeps doing this and BAM...he's upside down.

We think this may be contributing to him waking up more. How can we strap him in?? :-)

I want out baby who would sleep until 2 or 3am back! He's waking up at 11, 2, and then 5 which isn't unheard of...it's just that we got used to the sleep.