I usually go in the morning after I have dropped my older son off at preschool. I keep DS in the cart and I put on the seat belt as tight as I can. I bring snacks and a drink. When I get to the cashier (and yes, I know who is the fastest and get into his aisle if he is there), I organize all of my items so that all the things that need to go in the freezer or fefrigerator are together. When I get home, I unload the bags while DS is still in the car. Then I bring him in and at least put the cold items away. If he's not being helpful, then I don't worry about the rest until naptime.

Quite a little routine I've had to develop, huh? And yes, I used to do Peapod in the early days. Grocery shopping with an newborn and toddler was beyond me. Nowadays shopping by myself is a little slice of heaven!