Hi all,
We will be having a birthday party for our 2 year old daughter in a few weeks and family members are asking for gift suggestions.

Is there anything your 2 year old really enjoyed?

Some items I am considering are a toy camera, cash register, and parking garage but I can't find the ones I want. Does anyone know of a cash register that accepts play coins into a slot sort of like a bank and then you can open the drawer and get the money back out. I would prefer something that isn't too electronic with to many beeps and lights.

Also Paige always wants to play with our camera. Are there any toy cameras that look realistic and flash?

And the parking garage I am looking for is one like we had when I was a kid - not sure if they still make it. But it worked with matchbox sized cars and it had an elevator you could crank to the top and the car would roll out and down the parking garage ramp.

Any tips where to locate the above mentioned type toys or any other suggestions of toys that your 2 year old realy liked would be appreciated.