My guys are still on mashed foods and I've been trying to introduce some more protein foods. Jake has now spewed up homemade chicken/carrot/potato puree. He was totally uninterested in homemade lentil/brown rice puree even when mixed with pears. He gets easily bored with mashed tofu (usually mixed with his veg and avo).

Unless it's something he seems to find delicious (yogurt, fruits, cottage cheese, plain veggies) he'd much rather chew on his bib, tear off his bib, tear off his brother's bib, lean over the side of the booster chair to finger the plastic tabs that hold the tray, watch his dad type at the computer, etc. As a bonus, he's also a messy eater.

His twin brother has eaten all the above and only gets fussy if he's overtired when I'm trying to feed them.

So far, neither of them are too adept at finger foods. Jake can pick up the Oatios but can't get them out of his fist into his mouth. Zac can't pick them up yet. Both tend to spit them out after a bit, also, though Jake crunches them a few times first (he has 7 teeth).

Suggestions? I'm tired of making homemade stuff, especially the more complicated things, that's getting rejected.