Hi everyone. DD is cutting her first tooth and her gums are bothering her. Last night the doc said to give her Tylenol before she goes to bed and that seemed to help. She woke up at about 3AM. I held her and she fell back asleep right away. Not sure if that was the teething or if she was hungry but she normaly sleeps rather soundly and through the night unless she's popped. She woke up again at 6:30. She went back to sleep find after having a bottle. Putting Little Remedies teething gel on is hard because she just wants to lick it and if she can't do that then she doesn't want it on her gums. LMAO. Anyhoo, she has teething toys she likes and is soothed putting her hands in her mouth or I wash my hands and put my finger in her mouth. Is there any other tried and true tips you guys can give?