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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Madison, WI

    Thumbs up Used Pumps on

    I have found great success at finding slightly used items on For example everyday there are at least 1-3 new posts for the highly rated Medela Pump in Style breast pump. Sure you might need to buy a few replacement parts but the price range seems to be around $50-125 for gently used pumps. That is a huge savings! I would not have been able to afford a new Pump in Style at $279 but I was able to afford a used one and it works great.
    My suggestion is....
    In the new addition it might be nice to include a section on what to look for if you are buying a used pump. Maybe after each pump review a little note of sorts. Being a first time mom and thus purchaser of a pump I was a bit confused as to what I should be looking for when trying to decide which Pump in Style to purchase. (They all came with so many different combos of unused parts and other stuff I couldn't decide which ones were the best bargains because I was not familiar with what came with the original product) I ended up contacting a local business and retailer of Medela products and talking with a knowledgeable employee to get a better understanding of what came standard with the Pump in Style.

    Other than that, thanks so much for writing this book. I have recommended it several times already and will continue to do so.
    Molly Hile

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008


    I think the FDA warns against purchasing used single-user pumps (medela pump in styles, etc) because of the potential harm of transferring diseases. So I don't know if BB would put that in the book.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008


    I think there are a few pumps that are closed systems which can be re-used. That being said, I don't think that I would have bought my pump used. I got my PCP to write me a prescription and my insurance covered mine. Others I know have had luck with getting it paid through their medical reimbursment accounts.

  4. #4
    DebbieJ is offline Diamond level (5000+ posts)
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    Jun 2003


    The Pump in Style is not a closed system and should not be purchased used. Only the hospital grade rental pumps are closed systems.
    ~ deb
    DS1 Dec 2003
    DS2 Sept 2009

  5. #5
    mom2binsd is offline Red Diamond level (10,000+ posts)
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    I bought my pump new but a few friends have used it, it is the Ameda Purely Yours, all pieces are washed, sterilized and none of the mom's balked at using it, so although I think legally the book will need to stand by the "don't buy a used pump" I think buying from someone you know or borrowing one is ok if careful sterilizing measures are taken. I have seen this discussed many times, esp as many people have pumps they barely used and friends who needed a pump.

    Just my 2 cents!

  6. #6
    WatchingThemGrow is offline Blue Diamond level (20,000+ posts)
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    Another reason to steer clear of used pumps, like my friend experienced, is that even though it looks fine, they only live so long before they don't work well enough to express milk. My friend spent $175 and it lasted for about 4-5 months with her first child. Talk about a bummer..

    Oh, and I had horrid yeast problems. You'll never know in the "single user" pumps if there is something lurking in it.

  7. #7
    Sweetum is offline Sapphire level (2000+ posts)
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    Default new pump

    I bought a new pump on craigslist! I searched craigslist to see if I could find someone selling a brand new pump, sealed and in the original box, and I found quite a few. Out of those I picked the one I liked - I ended up buying a freestyle for less than half the price!


  8. #8
    hellokitty is offline Pink Diamond level (15,000+ posts)
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    Land of boys


    Quote Originally Posted by Swimfreak78 View Post
    I think there are a few pumps that are closed systems which can be re-used. That being said, I don't think that I would have bought my pump used. I got my PCP to write me a prescription and my insurance covered mine. Others I know have had luck with getting it paid through their medical reimbursment accounts.
    It really depends on your policy. My DH is a HCP, so our insurance is through the hospital and our stupid policy will not even cover a pump. The only exeption that will be made is if you have a baby who is in NICU, THEN they will cover the pump. A doctor's script for a pump doesn't matter unless you have a NICU baby. It wouldn't cover the two consultations I had with my LC either, and she accepts insurance.
    Last edited by hellokitty; 04-23-2009 at 06:29 PM.
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