Ok, I am way late on this post, but yeah, it is hard. REALLY hard. And I sometimes envy those parents with one baby. *sigh* But man, when those two little munchkins run up to me with hugs & kisses (which are more like licks right now!) and yelling "mama", it is impossible to imagine it any other way. I'm sure most of us multiple moms feel that way.

Things got better at 3mos, 7mos, and 10mos for us. Now, they just get "different" for us, not necessarily "better" or "worse". For example, I'm kinda missing the days when they would happily ride in the stroller or be carried - I took them to the park by myself yesterday and they went racing in two opposite directions as soon as I put them down. It's a darn good thing I remembered to grab the Ergo on our way out of the house - we switched, one boy running, one boy riding every 10min or so.

Agreeing with Melaine, find another multiple mom. IRL. We're good on the board, but you need someone you can physically talk to. I met a great gal (well, several, but one that I'm really tight with now) through my local Moms of Twins club, and she is fantastic. She totally "gets it".

And even now, there are still days when I feel very alone and overwhelmed. That is normal, and I just do my best to get through to the next day.

Hope all is well. You're doing great! Every day is an achievement.

to all you multiple mamas here. You're the bomb!